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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I went with a friend to look at acoustic guitars the other day. I will not go into naming and shaming because it is frankly unhelpful, but he was looking at £3K guitars and the intonation on the bottom E string on one of them was out. Not in a whole quarter tone style, but in a way that frankly I would expect a £3K instrument to not be. How hard is it to intonate an acoustic? We did not discuss it with the shop because he did not want to take it any further.
  2. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1466583282' post='3076899'] It's fine with my Roscoe 6. It's sold now 😊 [/quote] Everyone is happy
  3. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1466579509' post='3076856'] Mine doesn't take my TRB6 Mk I. [/quote] but thanks.
  4. Would this take a wide necked 6 string bass?
  5. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1466252882' post='3074432'] You could rout the cavity further out and get a kahler 6 string tremolo bridge!! [/quote] I totally could However...........................
  6. Chris (first name terms now!) would like to do the work up in Overwater HQ. As I have repeatedly discovered in my attempts to do any sort of DIY, I always have to pay a professional to do it properly afterwards anyway so I will send it up. The cavity looks to be fine and dandy and there is a slight crackling on the posts to suggest that there is action in there.
  7. Thanks, I had thought about wood but not a metal plate. I am moving towards just sending it up to Overwater who reckon they have the bits and then it will be kosher Overwater (always keeping an eye on re-sale!) rather than Owen Custom Shop.
  8. I have the blue note cover books as well as some others. What I want to do is paper a small room with the coves I like best. Strangley my wife does not think that this would be cool. Ho hum.
  9. I used Lemon Oil on a guitar (not bass) once and it REALLY dried out the board and even made the frets rough. It might have been a freak reaction but I will never go anywhere near it again.
  10. I have in my possesion the Overwater 6 string bass which was on the for sale forum recently which needs a bridge. Obviously the first port of call for a bridge is Overwater themselves but they have stopped using them and it was a custom built piece for them. I am awaiting a response about it from them. If they have a spare than happy days, but I am not holding my breath. Does anyone have one lurking in their parts box? Hey! It could happen. If not then I will either need to fill the cavity which the bridge sits in [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160615_163436_zpsohxdjtwd.jpg.html"][/url] and use A N Other bridge or find a bridge with a pretty large baseplate - 80mm x 125mm. Does anyone have any leads? TIA
  11. [url="http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/minuspilots/media/1964%20Fender%20Jazz%20Bass/IMG_1386_zpshqkfghfo.jpg.html"][/url] With frets like that this bass gots da funk fo sho That is not a criticism, on the off chance that anyone thinks it is.
  12. I have to confess to wondering 75 years of what are Chic celebrating. Sorry, I am tired.
  13. Owen

    Faith Acoustic

    Thanks Andy, that looks like an attractive option.
  14. Owen

    Faith Acoustic

    I am looking at getting a Faith Mahogany guitar. This one would do nicely http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Faith-Mahogany-Dreadnought-Acoustic-Guitar-Hard-Case-MINT-/142009390432?hash=item21106b5560%3Ag%3AWdEAAOSwepZXTHI%7E&nma=true&si=0VqcDA%252Bx0U1U0KqQ8v1Zya0Jb7I%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 but I want a decent pickup in it. Sadly they only seem to do pickups in the mahogany ones with a cutaway. I do not want a cutaway. They are wrong on an acoustic. How much hassle (read expense) is it to retrofit a decent side mounted preamp and undersadle pickup into an acoustic and what would the board reccomend as a decent retrofit electrics set up. This will be for my daughter. She will not be doing top sessions in the near future, but there is no point in paying someone to put rubbish in so I would welcome some advice. TIA
  15. I used to have a Reverend Brad Houser in bug eye chrome. It has no bearing on this topic but hearing the name Reverend made me remember and it was a cool memory.
  16. [quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1465216650' post='3066158'] Let me kniw how that goes Owen, I was very close myself. Ive got the Adrenalinn II sitting beside me at work and cant wait to get it set up. [/quote] I am having more fun than is good for me. A Future Impact driving into the Slicer is completely addictive.
  17. Thanks to this thread I bought a Boss SL-20. Basschat = feeding GAS I did not even know was there.
  18. You can run older kit in osx by using legacy settings (or something). I cannot remember the details but I was in this exact situation and managed to get my Ozonic Firewire interface working.
  19. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1459705211' post='3018780'] but it would easily drown out the rest of a trad jazz combo at a rehearsal. [/quote] I am struggling to not comment...........
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