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Everything posted by Owen

  1. That looks nice [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1457861559' post='3002338'] [url="http://s54.photobucket.com/user/warwickhunt/media/Demeter_zps0tzbmgbs.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote]
  2. And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the bargain of the year. I have no need for more basses but was considering it!
  3. I have a Firecreek 33" 5 string. It is a thing of joy. If you are in the market for a 5 string which feels fabulous and is a total bargain then look no further.
  4. So, a long time ago I wanted a Tobias Killer B. I could not afford one. So I "made" one. I got a nice body blank, photocopied a Killer B from a magazine review, blew it up to size, stuck it on the body blank and got the local luthier to cut it out and stuff. I then sanded it down and covered it with Ronseal All-in-one wood finish (dries to the touch in 20 minutes) (it did). I mated it with a neck Bernie Goodfellow built for me, loaded it up with a couple of EMG 40 pickups and happily gigged it as my main bass for about 10 years. Then the internet hit and insatiable GAS happened. This got put in the back of the wardrobe. I have since put the neck on another body and this is now surplus to requirement. It needs to be sanded back and re-oiled. The Gotoh bridge was (I think) called a 3D.. I could be wrong. It is what it is and could make a nice bass if anyone built a neck to suit. It seems a shame just to let it sit in a corner. [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160229_084159_zpssohqovew.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160229_084218_zpsnmhwfn7w.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160229_084236_zpsdqv8onod.jpg.html"][/url]
  5. I played a GUS when they first came out. It was lush beyond. Fodera overpriced? If someone is buying them, then obviously not.
  6. Hey y'all, I am buying a piece of kit from Morcambe but we cannot get a time for a courier to pickup which is working. Is there anyone who could "host' the parcel in so that I can arrange a pickup? Possibly in the front office at work or something? Thanks in advance.
  7. [quote name='funkle' timestamp='1457525550' post='2999318'] Owen, I own and enjoy a Tecamp Puma with my CN112s. I didn't gel with the Monique when I tried it through the NV115 at a friend's house. We may be at different ends of the tone spectrum...do you think lovers of 'clean' sounds, like me, will gel with the B Amp? [/quote] AAAAAAARGGGHHHHHHHH! This is another reason I did not comment because I did not want to have to field questions like these! Pressure to describe tone in words! The word clean always makes me think of sterile and that is NOT what the B Amp does. It is warm and full of headroomy goodness. The EQ is very, very good. Really easy to focus in on what you want to cut or boost. I just like the "hair" that the Monique puts on my notes (valve saturation apparently!). I am sure that there is a pedal out there that does such a thing, but I have got to the stage of not trying to fix things which work for me.
  8. [quote name='IanA' timestamp='1457523819' post='2999289'] I wouldn't read it as criticism I would read it as a personal taste thing. What works for you might be different for someone else. I have not used Monique but hear good things about it. Would you say this was a battle of old school vs more modern? [/quote] I guess so, yes. I have used clean preamps in the past and loved them. At the moment the Monique does it for me. You are correct it is purely a taste thing.
  9. I was not going to post about it because I do not want to sound as if I am criticising the B Amp in any way whatsoever. It is a great piece of kit.
  10. [quote name='IanA' timestamp='1457520062' post='2999226'] Was back in the shop yesterday talking to Mark, he said you had bought a B amp but might be returning it? What are you thoughts on it? [/quote] It is a great piece of kit - the feature set is everything I want. I A/Bd it against my Monique preamp. Obviously it does not make the same noise - they are radically different. I actually had to have them side by side before I realised that I would be sad if I had to stop using the Monique. I wish I could use the B Amp because it would mean more than halving the weight of my rig. The preamp in the Berg is great, the EQ is just superb. It is just that the Monique makes the noise I like. I could have kept both - but I just could not afford it The Monique is not awesome for Double Bass so I need a seperate pre for that as well. And then a way of switching between both of them. You can see that the Berg does all I want, apart from sounding like a TOTALLY different front end. Ho hum
  11. I have nothing to add, but when I saw these originally I knew I would own one. This has not happened so far, but it will.
  12. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I cannot stand solo bass stuff. Endless self indulgent dross. Really, bass is to be played with people. The ensemble thing is what it is all about in my not so humble opinion.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]So why am I digging this? I'm not sure, but I am [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Have I mentioned this before?[/font][/color]
  13. There are reports on TB but none in the country as yet.
  14. So you want the nut at just above eybrow height?
  15. On hold in 18 minutes. That is a record for me
  16. But that would be naughty and selfish.
  17. I dream about keeping everything!
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