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Everything posted by Owen

  1. This is an exceptionally nice piece of kit but I have too many amps. Much as I would love to, I cannot keep everything. The EQ is really responsive in a useful, musical way. The dark/normal/bright switch is a lovely thing. I fancy keeping it, but I cannot keep everything (yes I am repeating that so that I remember). I will get some pics up later. Specs: [b]Tone section:[/b][list] [*][b]Treble Control: [/b]The treble control gives 6 dB of boost or cut at 4 kHz (6dB per octave, shelving type). [*][b]Middle Control:[/b] The middle give 6dB of boost or cut at 500Hz (wide Q, peaking type).Bass Control: The bass control gives 9dB of boost or cut at a selectable frequency of 60Hz or 120Hz (6dB per octave, shelving type). [*][b]Presence Control:[/b] The presence control gives up to 12dB of boost at a selectable frequency of 2kHz or 4kHz (active type, 6dB per octave). [*][b]Mode switch:[/b] Dark, is a high frequency cut fatting up your fundmental. Normal, flat opertion showing off more overtones. Bright, brings out the overtones on the dullest basses or speakers. [*][b]Internal Volume Trimmer: [/b]This control is designed to match the output volume of the VTBP-M-800D with the sensitivity of any Bass. [*][b]Effects Loop: [/b]in/out line level [*][b]Power Amp Outputs:[/b] Operating at 4 (800w), 8 (500w) or 16 ohm (250w). 1/4” & Speakon [/list] [b]Preamp Specifications[/b] [list] [*][b]Inputs:[/b] one instrument level 1/4” jack. [*][b]Output impedance (line):[/b] > 1 kohm, (unbalanced) [*][b]Minimum load impedance:[/b] 10K [*][b]Input impedance:[/b] > 1megohm [*][b]Maximum output:[/b] + 24dBV [*][b]EQ gain :[/b] + or – 12 dB [*][b]Signal to noise ratio: [/b]– 80dB [*][b]THD :[/b] .5% [*][b]Outputs (preamp):[/b] 1/4” unbalanced , Optional 3 pin XLR Direct out [*][b]Frequency response :[/b] 10Hz to 40kHz [*][b]Tube: [/b]1-12AX7a selected 1-12AT7 [*][b]Operating voltage:[/b] 115V or 230V AC [*][b]Filament:[/b] 6.3 V DC [/list] [b]Power Amp Specifications[/b] [list] [*][b]Outputs (power amp):[/b] 1/4” Speaker & Speakon [*][b]Output impedance (power amp):[/b] 4 ohm, 8 ohm, 16 ohm [*][b]Output Power (power amp):[/b] 800 watt RMS @ 4 ohms, 400 watt RMS @ 8 ohms [/list]
  2. In a Freudian way I think I was asking for myself, but I pulled the trigger on something else today, I guess I was thinking aloud because I am sure there are all sorts of people who would love to get their hands on them if you could courier.
  3. That is a lot of good things in one place as far as I am concerned!
  4. I am happy with my bass and have had no DB GAS for 20 years. But sometimes I wonder if it is tweakable. Luthier GAS!
  5. Why is this still here? Am I missing something?
  6. [quote name='rosco' timestamp='1456023417' post='2984635'] PM'd [/quote] DO IT FOR US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Just so very, very smooth. Like an ice cube on ice. The whole deal was effortless. This man is quality. He also has shares in bubblewrap. He must if he is using that much bubblewrap.
  8. I have no possible need for this. I have spent some time trying to work out where I could use it. I LOVE a good case, and this is a great case - it's got wheels and everything! If I had any need for a hard case I would be all over this like a bad rash.
  9. They are lush. I could go on and on about them.
  10. I have one as well. They work very nicely.
  11. Thanks everyone. You all kind of confirmed my hunch. The prospective buyer will be coming to look at it in a couple of weeks. He is also looking at a B stock Thomann jobby.
  12. I would love to have hoodie with "Low Achiever" and subtle bass clef on it somewhere. I know prining is easy. Sadly I do not have the graphic design chops to do it. I would also like a "I (heart) LF" one. I need to get out more.
  13. That's cool, but it was cruel to keep us in suspense!
  14. [quote name='IanA' timestamp='1455197106' post='2976923'] I am going to try one through a cn410 later today Can't wait!! [/quote] The shop is now closed so you cannot still be in there. You have not reported back. It is not the BC way.
  15. I had clocked the Grace designs thing and would love to try one at some stage. GAS never stops giving
  16. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1455104903' post='2975857'] I don't think the Barefaced One10 could cope with a loud drummer on it's own. But I'd love to see what a pair of them could do. I really like mine. Sounds very different to my Bergs. Different tools for different jobs and all that. It's not a cheap item for such a tiny thing and I hadn't tried any BF cab before, so I was a bit nervous about dropping the money on what I perceived as a practice cab - but it is brilliant. [/quote] How would it be with a Demeter head?
  17. It has certainly seen some action and will not ever win any beauty contests, but it sounds OK, the repairs have been stable for well over a decade and my gut reaction is that it will be an affordable way in to see if DB world is where the buyer wants to be. It will also be possible to sell it on because it is at the bottom of the market.
  18. Thanks guys, keep 'em coming. I do not want to value it myself because I know both parties and life is too short for awkwardness. I know the BC DB Masif will come through for me.
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