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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I am not selling this here. I have two friends, one wants to sell this, one wants to buy his first DB. All repairs are solid. I have known this bass for 18 years. It has been glued up properly but the screws left in on the front because they are part of it's story. It is a no label ply bass. It need new strings and could probably do with a fingerboard true-ing. I am way out of the loop on prices. You know as much about it as I and the present owner know. What would it's nominal value be? Sorry, Photobucket is being a royal pain and not letting me upload pics. [url="https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPbV3CV8NaN_Lt8tPCCLXKpLBbMD2oyvXHHS-J3N1j7lxfMtSK02p91p7cKutDKmg?key=Ui1rd0c2SGRtRlVYZnIySl9QMEVON0RBaGRzS2tB"]https://photos.googl...EVON0RBaGRzS2tB[/url] TIA
  2. [url="http://www.rmi.lu/products/product/basswitch-iq-di-bass-preamp"]http://www.rmi.lu/pr...-di-bass-preamp[/url] This does loads of stuff really well. When I get a chance this evening I will give you all the gen but if you know what it is and fancy it, come and get it! Thanks for all the interest.
  3. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1454870437' post='2973776'] the hannah montana reference was lost on me sorry. She a jazz player? [/quote] Not that I actually believe you.
  4. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVjRe8QXFHY[/media]
  5. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1454868439' post='2973746'] you going to end up with a lighter version of your ip? (With extra preamp) [/quote] I honestly do not know how it will pan out. I am by now old enough to not drop the £ until I have actually tried something (and believe you me this has taken a VERY long time). I want the B Amp + cab to do what I want (and I have sold enough kit to buy it) but the proof of the pudding will be in the playing. It would be fun to pickup the HG310 and then sit and wait for a NV610 to come up second hand so that (as Hannah Montana would say) I could have the best of both worlds. Being in a GAS ready state and not having anything to buy is a very odd experience.
  6. I am waiting for the HG310 to appear over here before taking a trip down to Bass Direct.
  7. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/9V-Sonuus-Voluum-Effects-pedal-in-car-power-supply-/191735558042?hash=item2ca4546f9a:m:mBB53xmVrEsjoImGzTBryTA
  8. Mine is Jan 5 66. Maybe they were tired in Feb.
  9. I typed that in bed last night because I have been meaning to ask for over a year but kept forgetting. I even saw the plug this morning and thought "I must take a picture of that" but then got sidetracked. I will get full details this evening. Thanks for caring!
  10. It snapped off, but it is one of the ones where the actual prongs slide on to the main transformer jobby. Anyone have any ideas where I could get a replacement? TIA.
  11. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1454282504' post='2968292'] Any comments from owners on here re this subject? [/quote] I think the whole vinyl decal thing is a complete red herring. Mine is fine and dandy. I do not spend time looking at it. The "so called" cheaply built thing is also a red herring. I'm sure there are other companies out there who laser etch their boxes and have them put together by robots. However, there is no one out there making boxes that make these noises. I am MORE than happy with my bang for the buck on this pedal.
  12. Bergantino B Amp Jule Amps M700 is said to be happy to do so by those using it. Jule has said it is probably OK, but he has not tested it at length so is unwilling to commit. A few of the Acoustic Image amps do as well.
  13. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1453816592' post='2963006'] I'd just go for some glow in the dark side markers. You can't see the front dots when playing anyway! [/quote] I changed the black side dots on a Maple/Maple neck to glow in the dark dots. It did not work well.
  14. [quote name='chrkelly' timestamp='1453716480' post='2961966'] Tell her to bring a tuner, I went round recently & every one of the basses ranged from a couple of tones to a full fifth flat! Spent more time tuning than playing, not good. Keep in mind too that most have got rubbish strings so it's difficult to tell how they actually sound. He seems like a nice guy though. [/quote] Thanks again. I hate to embarrass you on a public forum but the downtuned ones are meant to be like that. They are for Metal
  15. [quote name='Davo-London' timestamp='1453649172' post='2961362'] [attachment=210556:64P front.jpg] [/quote] Mmmmmmmmm.......comfy.........
  16. Thanks Joe, I have copied and pasted both responses to her so she knows that he is sound
  17. Thanks Phil. The good news is that my friend lives 2 miles away so she will likely just pop in
  18. Anyone have any experience of http://thedoublebassroom.com/ ? I have a friend fancying something there and she just wants to make sure he is ok.
  19. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1453150932' post='2956941'] So I imagine a five string (with everything else vintage accurate) would be out of the question? [/quote] If it was remotely an option from Bravewood I would already own one. It is not an option
  20. Sorry, that's the danger of bumping without thinking. The P body has gone. I will try and edit accordingly.
  21. These are getting a lot of love at the moment http://www.thomann.de/gb/marcus_miller_v7_alder_5_awh.htm?ref=search_rslt_sire+bass_351749_12
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