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Everything posted by Owen

  1. If you are enjoying it but never saw yourself as a DB player then you could always get it fretted. I have a fretted NS Omnibass (which is for sale, but only so I can comission one with 6 strings - but this is not a derail to push my sale) and I totally understand the hand position thing. It is very easy on wrists and everything.
  2. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/lakland-Skyline-Series-Joe-Osborn-5-String-Bass-with-Hard-Case-/151913609373?hash=item235ec1b89d%3Ag%3AQgwAAOSw7FRWXXpn&nma=true&si=0VqcDA%252Bx0U1U0KqQ8v1Zya0Jb7I%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  3. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1452951909' post='2954998'] That is stunning. [/quote] Thanks, I enjoyed the whole process, but ultimately sold it because I just have too many basses and wanted to move "bass money" into a different amp.
  4. I have used a Korg tuner for years and years. I then lost it and picked up another one. I cannot imagine any Korg tuner doing anything other than a good job. And it looks lush. That does not hurt
  5. If I was to do it again I would pick a Lakland JO5 2nd hand. Their second hand value seems to have crashed. I would then strip it and get it sprayed by https://www.facebook.com/Retro169/?fref=ts .
  6. Here's one I prepared earlier http://basschat.co.uk/topic/192744-relic-j5/page__hl__relic%20j5
  7. I inadvertantly bought one of these once. http://www.thomann.de/gb/km_18950.htm Don't ask, it is a long story which I can no longer remember. It does a fabulous job of lifting and supporting my 86lb cab and firing the sound at my head.
  8. The man know what he is doing. That is proper.
  9. It rings a bell that these are well thought of as bass preamps. Am I right?
  10. If you have an adjustable bridge you can slot a Fishman Full Circle in there. It will be fine and dandy. I have used one for the last 15 years and I have no complaints. Your amp and cab will be fine as well. I have messed with all sorts of preamps and have eventually settled on and Fdeck HPF which is a simple buffer to make the piezo "happy" with the impedance it is seeing. Proper impedance for piezo = good tone. Wrong impedance (too low) = scratchy and horrible. The Fdeck also has a high pass filter in it which really cleans things up nicely. I have given up using other preamps for DB. It is a freely available circuit which you could build yourself if you have soldering skills, otherwise any pedal fixer/maker can put one together for you. If I was getting one made I would have it in a floor box with a mute switch and a tuner out in it. I just go straight into whatever I have through the Fdeck and it seems to work nicely. I do not miss having loads of EQ etc. Markers on the side of the neck? Go for it. You play for enjoyment, not to fit into anyone else's "vision" of how it should be. You will find that most of us have kinks in the grain which "inform" us now and again. Slap then on the fingerboard for a bit if it helps. The DB is very similar to Bass Guitar, but it is also very, very different so anything which makes the transition easier is all good. You will get to a stage where you will not be looking.
  11. The new Peavey head? I have no experience of it.
  12. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1452442776' post='2949960'] Sean Hurley is a great player too! [/quote] http://idhitthatpodcast.podomatic.com/entry/2015-10-18T09_47_50-07_00 Nice in depth interview with him here.
  13. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1452452777' post='2950083'] Whenever Pino and Mayer are mentioned in the same thread, it's the green flag to repost this [/quote] That never gets tired!
  14. I have one of these. It works. B goes down to A a treat!
  15. My 150 year old bas bass was originally found by me unloved and dying in a hot, dry room. It was cracked and all open seams etc. There was at least 50 years of caked on dirt on it. My luthier suggested chrome polish. Being young and enthusiastic I added a buffer attachment on a drill into the equation. It came up a treat.
  16. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1451914634' post='2944487'] Hmm. I don't think that the SY300 tracks that well... Wonder what that means then... [/quote] He was discussing fast octaves and stuff so I guess the monophonic element of the FI was hampering that without SUPER clean playing and damping.
  17. I have always fancied a sustainer pickup on a bass. There were rumours of some prototypes from Fernandes ages ago but I could never find one. I have a friend who is a tech and he is making me one. It is in the development phase at the moment and I am pretty sure he is using a VERY small amp to get sound, hence the distortion, but here it is so far. Yet again, I have failed to embed - what a tragic loser [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxT3jtBzhHQ"]https://www.youtube....h?v=ZxT3jtBzhHQ[/url]
  18. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1451905241' post='2944371'] The Deep Impact does that too. [/quote] Yeah, the guy who is talking of tracking issues is comparing it to a Boss sy-300 or Roland v-bass which are very different animals from the FI. I have the FI, it does exactly what I expected it to do, and I can count the amount of times a piece of kit has lived up to my expectations on 2 fingers. I would record demos, but they would sound very similar to the ones Lokki has put up already.
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