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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I have no DI experience so cannot comment. As far as I am concerned the latency thing is a total non issue. If I play 2 notes at the same time it wobbles, as I would expect it to. As does my OC2. It is monophonic. Tracking is fine and dandy.
  2. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1451502829' post='2941069'] cheers Owen, yea I tried that it says change theme but it don't do nuffin? [/quote] There is a 'use mobile version' option to the left of the "change theme" option at the bottom of my page. I am on android if that makes any difference.
  3. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1451485223' post='2940865'] I can only get the desktop site on my iPod touch, but I've got the mobile version on this iPhone.. Anyone know why? [/quote] Go to the very bottom of any page and click on the bottom left hand link. I only know cos I asked the same question!
  4. [s]You had better not leave us hanging. I want to see how this ends.[/s] That is what I get for not refreshing a page before posting. Lovely job. I totally get the "just finish it" ethic. If only I could make it so in my life!
  5. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1450782375' post='2935772'] on arrival, several of the regular church group all but physically accosted us, when my wife & I arrived! They shouted that we were not to get in the way, not to move anything, and told us there was no way we could bring in all these amplifiers & equipment. I only had a tiny, portable bass combo and my bass! [/quote] In every walk of life there will be a percentage of people who are clueless about the logistics of a given situation, but really feel the need to share their "wisdom" anyway. They just cannot stop themselves. This exists in Churches just like it exists in clubs, weddings, pubs, halls, festivals and anywhere else I have gigged. I have played in Churches for the past 30+ years. There has been an awful lot of support and now and then sone situations where I have just raised my eybrows and then deffered to whoever was running things that day, or dealt with it myself if I was nominally in charge. Some people just love to have their say. My experience outside Church has been exactly the same. I am sorry that you ran into the wrong people in the wrong place. I hope that you can see them for people who were clueless, massively over-excited and lacking in social graces but not representative of the Church as a whole. I am not dissing them as individuals, I do not know them or their situations. My guess is that they were excited beyond belief and slightly anxious about their planning. People really struggle to understand that an event can happen slightly differently from how they percieve it and it will still be ok. A bit like a song in Church can be done in at least 3 different styles and it will be ok whichever one is chosen.
  6. I have no need of a LP, but I did wonder how much it would cost to have binding put on it. Tragic.
  7. How about one you could retro fit so that it screwed in with the backplate of a machine head? Always there but invisible from the front.
  8. http://www.dv247.com/guitars/gibson-les-paul-50s-tribute-etune-electric-guitar-vintage-sunburst--103358
  9. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1450691668' post='2934835'] That already exists, look for N-Tune. No specific bass version, so dunno if it's bass suitable (and I couldn't find an official website on cursory search) [/quote] There goes my retirement fund
  10. I am on a roll here. Surely someone could make a tuner which would fit into a volume pot.
  11. The logical thing to do would be to install one using side LED dots on a neck. Octave dots = in tune. Either side sharp or flat. It all sounds so easy.
  12. You could look at the Boss SYB5 which does this. As it happens I have one to flog
  13. Scalpy is obviously taking you all for a ride. A singer looking after the PA? Just SO unlikely. Who has EVER experienced such a thing?
  14. I have the basswitch. I have been using it for DB/bass guitar duties. It is a lovely piece of kit. It churns out enough level to drive a power amp. I cannot speak about the tonebone but I did try a TB EZ pre which has the same switching thing as the basswitch but it does not drive a power amp.
  15. That is a very lovely colour combo. I am aware that this is a totally useless post!
  16. Owen


    [quote name='Rabbie' timestamp='1449701503' post='2926199'] I sound waaaaaaaay groovier and more relaxed. [/quote] Now THAT is where it is at!
  17. I bought Steve's 3 Leaf Enabler. It arrived in record time and everything was lush.
  18. So, I am trying to flog an instrument which is virtually invisible due to it having no visibility on Youtube. I thought I better record some demos. Rough as, but you get the idea. I just plugged it into my interface and off I went. No EQ or anything else. https://soundcloud.com/teamruth/test-ns-bounce https://soundcloud.com/teamruth/walking-ns
  19. A way of registering interest with the seller would be very useful.
  20. How much would carriage be? Not for me I hasten to add! Just to move it along.
  21. I have three older Mackie SRM350 cabs. 10" speaker and PLENTY of welly, especially it you can take out anything beneath 80Hz. Which takes us on to the mixer. A digital mixer will offer you SO much more than an analogue by now. With a digital one you whack everything beneath 80hz off all your monitor feeds to keep everything nice and clean. You are likely to have 6 aux sends on one so that you could give everyone in the band a seperate monitor mix. You could use in-ear through a Samson headphone amp, some extension leads and perhaps some Sure SE215 headphones. MUCH lighter than wedges. The Mackie DL1608 seems to be going for less than £400 on ebay by now - you would need to add an iPad and a wireless router. If anyone has an iphone they can control their own monitor mix.
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