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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I am thinking of this kind of thing, but sized correctly [URL=http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/_12_zpse4fxk2em.jpg.html][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a49/peredur/_12_zpse4fxk2em.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  2. The stem stays in place, it is the actual flat paddle bit which comes off [URL=http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150916_232209_zpstvhy8295.jpg.html][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a49/peredur/Mobile%20Uploads/20150916_232209_zpstvhy8295.jpg[/IMG][/URL] But I do appreciate you answering!
  3. I have a bass I love playing. I love it's aesthetic, it's weight and versatility. I cannot love the machine heads. They work fine. They are good quality Gotohs, but the button/paddle whatever you call it just does not do it for me in this context. Does anyone know of a supplier of replacements? I can take them off and leave the body of the machine head there. I am such a tart.
  4. I was not suggesting that it is the same DSP implementation as PA systems. I was just saying that the technology is mature so the aspects of it which do work for bass cabs can be run easily and effectively. My experience of DSP implementation from Bergantino has been very positive and my guess is that he would not put out anything which would mess with his reputation. However, I am more than aware that beauty is in the ear of the beholder and the proof of the pudding will be in the gigging. I use a QSC KW112 + KW181 rig now and again. I take it as read that there is significant DSP jiggery-pokery going on inside, I do not feel the need to mess with it. I like what it does purely because I do not have to mess with it. With regard to the IP struggling with various preamps I actually had the opposite problem. Everything I have tried sounded great, but then when I tried them through other rigs some sounded less great than others.
  5. The gist is that it is indeed "all that". I am massively loving the IP.
  6. You would never get any decent PA going out without DSP processing for the speakers. This is what is being offered here. It is all under the hood and never needs touching. Bergantino know how to implement this because they are experienced in the field. Obviously there are people out there who do not care for the IP series but the vast majority of people who have tried them are smitten. I know I am. Obviously I would like the d&b audiotechnik rig I unexpectedly found myself using as backline once, but that is hardly likely to happen. This is just DSP for bass cabs. There is nothing massively clever about it, given what is going on in the PA industry, but no one else has done it and put it all in one place for multiple cabs for us. If you want to get all geeky on the EQ front then you can go crazy. I am personally looking forward to ironing out the wolf note on my Bb on the A string on my DB using the notch filter and then having another setting for my bass guitar at the flick of a switch. Otherwise just use it as a simple 4 band eq and leave it.
  7. My interest is elsewhere, but the gift wrapping option nearly swung me.
  8. There are one or two in the wild in the US so there are real world opinions floating around TB.
  9. I realise that I am way off message here, but......... http://www.marleaux-bass.com/marleaux-bass_consat_sopran.html
  10. [URL=http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150908_205427_zps3pgwaook.jpg.html][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a49/peredur/Mobile%20Uploads/20150908_205427_zps3pgwaook.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150908_205431_zpsw7su8g93.jpg.html][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a49/peredur/Mobile%20Uploads/20150908_205431_zpsw7su8g93.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  11. Excellent! I will download this and listen at my leisure. Thanks.
  12. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1441620237' post='2860223'] Haha, it's quite easy because you let the fcb1010 send what it does in default and prog the ipad to take what it sends and do what you need. [/quote] That sounds so easy. But not in my world!
  13. [quote name='tanuki' timestamp='1441320047' post='2857996'] On the opposite end of the scale I used a berg nv215 with the acoustic image focus at a festival last weekend, I was pretty scared but it sounded totally incredible!!! Not really in the lightweight arena bit I had to tell someone!! [/quote] I used to run AI into an NV610. It was lush.
  14. I have a set in a rosewood board and a set in a maple board. The Rosewood board set is great. The set in the maple board is underwhelming in normal use. Obv, great in the dark when charged.
  15. [quote name='Rabbie' timestamp='1440840082' post='2854211'] If you don't need to shake bowels with your low notes, [/quote] Where is the fun in that?
  16. Thanks. I just bought a new iPad after flogging my old one. The Blue Job Thing will work now. I also have a processor which might not get as tired I owned an FCB1010 once. The idea of making it work with an iPad makes me see in different colours.
  17. I am upgrading my iPad unless someone tells me I can run the iRig blue foot pedal thang with an iPad 2. Any work arounds out there? If not, what are people running which gives adequate performance?
  18. [b] I have been using it and the ability to have one bod on FOH and people on stage setting their own monitor mixes via their iPhones or an iPod is superb. I am just changing to get more channels.[/b] [b]Proven Hardware That Sounds Great[/b][list] [*]16 Onyx™ mic preamps [*]High-end Cirrus Logic[sup]® [/sup]converters [*]Ultra low-noise, high-headroom design [*]6 aux sends for monitor mixes [*]Master L/R output for mains [/list] [b]Tons of Built-In Processing[/b][list] [*]Choice of powerful, touch-sensitive plug-ins [*]4-band full parametric EQ, gate and compression on each input [*]31-band GEQ and comp/limiter on all outputs (main L/R + 6 aux sends) [*]Global reverb and delay [/list] [b]Wireless Mixing[/b][list] [*]Seamless wired to wireless mixing [*]Tune the room from anywhere [*]Get on stage to ring out monitors [*]Personal monitor mixing [*]Use up to 10 wireless devices simultaneously [/list] [b]Total Control from Your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch[/b][list] [*]Intuitive Master Fader™ control app [*]My Fader™ app for quick control from iPhone or iPod touch [*]“Grow and Glow” visual feedback [*]Preset and snapshot recall [*]Record the mix to the iPad for instant sharing[sup]3[/sup] [*]Integrate music from any app into the mix[sup]3[/sup] [/list]
  19. Great piece of kit. It turns your iPad into a fully featured 16 channel mixer. I will get more details up tomorrow. I can do the iPad for an extra £120. It is a 30 pin connector version.
  20. I have a J retro which I have had mounted in a box so that I could use it with lots of basses. I never did. You could unscrew it and lift it out of the box or use as is. I will do pics tomorrow but putting this up while I remember.
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