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Everything posted by Owen

  1. However, if anyone has not heard Tchaikovsky's 6th symphony then you owe it to yourself to put some time aside and sit through it. It is the bomb.
  2. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1424024742' post='2691693'] Was he playing it live at the time? [/quote] Prob some lame cover outfit recording.
  3. I look forward to a report on the heat gun. This looks so very easy http://www.stewmac.com/How-To/Online_Resources/Finishing/How_to_strip_a_modern_poly_guitar_finish.html but I am always disappointed when I try and do this stuff. This is usually down to my complete incompetence so if stripping with a heat gun is as easy as stewmac makes it look I will be very happy indeed as I have a bass I want to strip back to the wood.
  4. Owen


    I am enjoying the tactile feel of the oil so much that I have decided to just put another couple of coats on and not use the wax.
  5. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1423915372' post='2690303'] Buying quickly is important. [/quote] Ain't that the truth!
  6. And now I have just bought a 5 string acoustic.............. because............. ummmm................ Even more dangerous is the fact that you sync it up with Amazon payment details so that you can do one click ordering. Oh dear.
  7. Owen


    Not the greatest photos but I am aiming to get this done before the I hit the 4 year mark! The two halves of the body are closer in colour than the pictures suggest. I am now using Danish oil + wax cos it is easier than Tru Oil and I like easier. [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150213_201157_zps3wp3hsij.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150213_201746_zpsdfuyp83z.jpg.html"][/url]
  8. Yay for building with cheap parts off ebay. It is the best fun.
  9. Owen

    Korg G5

    I had one. It was a joy for squelching and rasping.
  10. It is a Newtone string. IIRC it is a 120 with a round core. The whole lot are low tension but I am coming round to that the older I get. Less is more.
  11. I have an old P that has had all the varnish taken off the back of the neck. Obviously it is very dirty indeed, but it is far and away the nicest feeling neck I have (in a tactile way). It is just so very SHA-MOOOOOTH. If I was brave enough I would strip back some of my other basses but the whole resale thing then rears it's ugly head.
  12. I met up with Dave tonight and had a bash on the bass prior to finishing it. It is very lovely indeed. The unfinished neck wood feels abolutely superb. Like a smooth velvet. The 33" scale and low tension strings create a lovely springyness that I will hugely enjoy. The B is a complete part of the instrument. Good times!
  13. I am very interested to hear how these work.
  14. Hmmmm..... thanks Dave. Not quite the angle I was hoping for
  15. Yeah, I am getting comfy with the boomerang on the Omnibass but fancy trying the other just to see really. I have the endpin kit for my EUB but I tend to stick with the tripod stand. I cannot imagine I will see the other coming up for sale 2nd hand any time soon so I will prob just have to front up and buy new (ugh!). I share your suspicion that getting either the Omni or the EUB to sit at a DB angle is not going to happen, but the NS stuff is pretty well designed so we might be wrong. The noises on TB seem pretty positive about them.
  16. Thanks for the offer, but I live in North Wales so popping over to try anything anywhere never happens I have the boomerang and it works fine with the Omnibass, but I am wondering about this one http://www.basscentre.com/ns-design-interchangeable-support-systems/ns-design-frame-strap-system.html
  17. Anyone use one? How is it? Does it hold the thing in a vaguely DB position? Ta, like.
  18. [quote name='zero9' timestamp='1423076851' post='2680451'] I've got 16 x 5" Phil Jones, sounds even more ok [/quote] Wrong, it sounds FABULOUS!
  19. And here is the best value for money on the internet today.
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