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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I have plenty of hangups about my playing. I know loads of people who can play better than I can. However, a drummer who knows once told me I put the beat in a sexy place and that is good enough for me.
  2. There are songs you listen to not because of the bass? Mods! Ban this sick filth.
  3. Very easy to use and programme. Very juicy synthy goodness.
  4. Owen

    I like it

    New Marleaux Spock https://www.marleaux-bass.de/en/instrumente/spock/
  5. This is now officially leaving the building. Thanks for all the interest.
  6. Lots of audioligists will do the impressions. I used Boots hearing care cos those are the local ones to me. See my post earlier for top tips as to details of what to do.
  7. And utterly avoidable. Utterly, utterly avoidable. I only wish someone had made this clear to me 40 years ago.
  8. Can I keep them all? No. This is something you do not see every day. jabba_the_gut builds a lovely bass. It is tuned in standard bass. I love it, but the ergonomics are not working for me. Controls are Vol and stacked Treble/Bass. I could write reams about how lush this is, but you can see for yourselves. Priced to your door, fully insured.
  9. If you had blue, black and orange I would be all over one of these like a bad rash.
  10. There are all sorts of great reasons to play a 5 string. Mine is that I can play lower notes. I am ALWAYS in first position.
  11. Absolutely hardcore. I salute you!
  12. Don't try one of those lush sparkly green D-Roc thangs then.
  13. It is nice and dry, still giving the rhythmic drive, but obviously not a bass guitar. I like it.
  14. Interesting and useful. Could you EQ the send to the RCF and save some $$$$? I am sure the onboard processing in the QSC is more complete, but you have outboard EQ, no? Obv, don't let me stand in the way of buying new kit!
  15. Nice sound at 00:35. What are you using?
  16. THIS is the BC way. This is what I am here for!
  17. This is an awful lot of digital mixer for 350 notes + the old old iPad in your drawer. Yes, more expensive stuff does all sorts of more, but for running a hassle free gig, these are great.
  18. I have this. Even at full price it is worth it. It is not the proper grown up one (Sonarworks), but it makes a noticable difference.
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