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Everything posted by Owen

  1. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1409741816' post='2542798'] Think that if the amp is rescueable then tracking down another speaker from Jim bergantino might be a better bet. I'm half tempted to explore it further [/quote] Do it for me!
  2. If anyone is handy with a soldering iron there is a dead Berg IP310 on ebay at the moment which has a potentially really nice plate amp in it that has a "blown power stage due to water/ liquid ingress ". http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281427447511?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2661&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  3. So this is a short scale P5? Forgive my ignorance.
  4. I am totally going to build a solid bodied Ukebass with Pyramid metal strings with a body which will look like the fat baby of a Les Paul and a Ritter single cut. All lush curves made from a piece of Burr Elm. I have actually designed it in my head a few years ago but knew I would never have the skills. Excited I am.
  5. Is it fretted? I NEED to try a fretted one.
  6. From the bottom up C, G, D and A is standard 'cello tuning.
  7. My guess would be that the strings on it would be fine to at least get a flavour. The E would go down a 3rd, the A would go down a tone, the D does not move and the G goes up a tone. All things considered, not a huge change in tension.
  8. I have an early Kingston 5. I have owned an awful lot of basses. 35+? I lost count. Many have been eye-wateringly expensive. 90% of them have gone and I still have the Kingston. It is light, the neck is sublime and it is a joy to play. I cannot comment on the more recent ones, but mine is just the bomb.
  9. I just reviewed everything I have ever bought from Thomann, got a 50 Euro voucher and picked up the BZ 6000 for £180 so I will report back with string spacing.
  10. Bangor? I will get to do this stuff in Bangor? Really? You are messing with my head, surely.
  11. I have one to sell! (I am fully paid up to sell kit, incase anyone gets excited!)
  12. My daughter has outgrown her Flea bass. It is lurid green with a pink scratchplate. 30" scale (is that short scale?). It is in VGC and comes with a gig bag. I will get pics and stuff up later, but am doing this while I remember. Price is to your door.
  13. I have found the knob for the DI level if the next owner wants it!
  14. [quote name='alembic1989' timestamp='1409074477' post='2536076'] Congrats. I'm a fan of Harley B basses. Just been playing my 6 er....and cured my gas for another bass ( temporarily I suspect). [/quote] Thread derial. Sorry. Is your bass the BZ-6000? If so, what is the string spacing like? Ta.
  15. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1409166413' post='2537071'] Have you got one of these Owen? [/quote] Fraid not
  16. [quote name='sk8' timestamp='1407962735' post='2525900'] Blueboard is well worth it! [/quote] Is the expression pedal input on the Blueboard for a bog standard http://basschat.co.uk/topic/242160-moog-ep-2-expression-pedal-l25-delivered/ kind of thing or is it some fancy-dan continuous midi controller thang?
  17. My exprience is that the GK200mb ran out of headroom quickly, unlike the GK500. I cannot comment on the rest.
  18. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1408699364' post='2532598'] And you'll be very welcome. [/quote] Feel the love!
  19. The Fugue one has gone already and could have gone again. Who knew we were such a bunch of contrapuntalists?
  20. I am flogging the definitive book on how to write a fugue here http://basschat.co.uk/topic/243517-books/ if you ever fancied knowing how to write one. I would love to tell you that it got me through my degree, but I failed this unit. However this was more to do with my application than the book itself
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