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Everything posted by Owen

  1. [URL=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/alstocko/media/Gear%20Pics/Lakland%20JO5/IMG_0843_zps2b4142b4.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q492/alstocko/Gear%20Pics/Lakland%20JO5/IMG_0843_zps2b4142b4.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  2. [URL=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/alstocko/media/Gear%20Pics/Lakland%20JO5/IMG_0844_zps44ff166e.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q492/alstocko/Gear%20Pics/Lakland%20JO5/IMG_0844_zps44ff166e.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  3. [URL=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/alstocko/media/Gear%20Pics/Lakland%20JO5/IMG_0841_zps17d7c745.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q492/alstocko/Gear%20Pics/Lakland%20JO5/IMG_0841_zps17d7c745.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  4. Gobs of power in reserve is where the tone is at. You can pluck harder and the amp does not complain or give up, it just gets louder. You can play LOW notes and the amp just keeps on giving. I used to bridge 1.8Kw with a Chevin A3000 into an Eden 410XLT. Not for the volume, but the authority of the grunt it created was totally the bomb. The modern smaller heads are all very clever with their this that and the other processing. My present amp is DSP-a-go-go, but there is something about a proper big power stage that just delivers. Crest CA9 amps used to be the power amp of choice. Would we choose to carry one @ 21Kg? No chance. Would we love to play through one? Believe it. I guess it is the same kind of power delivered in the big and heavy Aguilar amps which are constantly referred to as having depth and authority. I am wandering WAY out of my comfort zone now, but a big and hairy power stage is more likely to be able to control cone movement (less flopping around) by having better damping. Please feel free to correct me on this point. Gobs of power in reserve is where the tone is at.
  5. Owen

    Relic J5

    [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140623_165841_zpszzmqa1k7.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140623_165827_zpsj2yzc3yz.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140623_165814_zpslfwyqiyg.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140623_165743_zps0pxhcrkc.jpg.html"][/url] As close to a selfie as I will ever get [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140623_165710_zps8kki87w0.jpg.html"][/url] I still need to dull the metalwork down a bit and will have do take the gloss off the scratchplate. It has a set of Nord humbuckers in it at the moment but I have a set of Fralins ready to go as well before I make the final decision about pickups. The switch is an S1 kind of thing which works fine but is not rocking my world as much as I had hoped it would. I still need to set it up but all in all I am very pleased with it. It feels very much like home
  6. I want to try an EUB with a bottom F#. I can no longer fight the urge. I like my NS EUB so figure I would like a 6 string version of it. Does anyone have an urge to prune their number of strings and fancy a trade + £ from my end?
  7. One of the ways people do it is to have a Fendre or something similar decal made. It is close enough to give us the Fender jollies we crave but not close enough to be counterfit. I just had a Ffendar one made and is ticking my boxes nicely.
  8. Owen

    Relic J5

    Is it that obvious?
  9. Owen

    Relic J5

    All the bits are arriving today. This is going to have a drastic effect on my efficiency at work.
  10. If you are not bowing then Inno Rockabillys are the way forward. If you are bowing then a set of Inno Honeys will be lovely.
  11. I have an active cab with DSP. I like it a lot. I could live without carrying it as it is from the olden days. Are there any decent compression/Parametric EQ/HPF settings in these programs? TIA
  12. Owen

    Relic J5

    [URL=http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/DSC_7750_zps945cb46c.jpg.html][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a49/peredur/DSC_7750_zps945cb46c.jpg[/IMG][/URL] As yet not reliced. But still exciting.
  13. I am doing a show at work. The students in the band want to "suit up". One of the guitarists is very excited and is going to locate a Fedora hat to wear. I had to bite my tounge to not tell him that it is pronounced Fodera.
  14. [quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1402332345' post='2472322'] My contribution would be 2 Kays strung with guts [/quote] SCORE!
  15. Owen

    Relic J5

    Keeping it fresh! It is not in one piece yet or in my hands yet
  16. Owen

    Relic J5

  17. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1402141994' post='2470385'] is there an equivalent programme to Bias for OSX anyone could recommend? i've a macbook but no iPad and would like to experiment. [/quote] Mainstage is around for OSX. Probably not as tweakable. http://www.apple.com/uk/mainstage/
  18. I'm digging it. I did something vaguely similar with a Vox/Piano/Bass trio with a friend messing with us via Ableton. It was great vibing off FX that I could not possibly manipulate in real time without a 3rd arm and responding to how he was messing with us. We need more of this stuff.
  19. Exciting times! Group tattoos - obv this will happen. Also a warm smug feeling that we play the king of all instruments. What do I want out of it? I guess I want to try other DBs and also other amps and stuff, just to see. You can try most planks in shops, but to try out DB specific stuff is virtually impossible. I would like a swing at a bass strung with Gut strings. I would like to try a bass through a BF Generation 3 cab. I am more than happy with my DB (I never suffer from DB GAS) but would love to perhaps get a good DB luthier in who might advise/work on setups. I live in the back of beyond and it is impossible to get any access to a luthier who actually has a real handle on what makes a DB tick. Could mine be tweaked? Possibly but I just do not know. Would people rolling in be willing to shovel some extra money at a luthier or could we entice one in with bookable time slots so individuals would cover that aspect? I dunno. I'm sure between us there is enough expertise to do some workshop type stuff. I would be more than happy to spend some time with beginners just to give pointers about various aspects of technique. I am not proposing to do a workshop in front of everyone but would happily just do half an hour in a corner if anyone really wanted help. Obviously this would not be anything like as useful as a decent set of lessons, but it could not hurt. Someone mentioned they could do the slap thing. I would love a 10 minute session just showing me the mechanics of that. What would everyone else like to see? I will throw a 5 string DB, 5 string EUB, 5 string bass Uke, an AI head, a FDeck preamp and an ACME 12" cab onto the floor. What else might appear?
  20. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1401978999' post='2468846'] Splendid. Well done Owen. [/quote] I am totally AWESOME and am the saviour of all things DB for the BCDBNorthern Massive. Actually Roger (bassace) has done all the work, I just stood at the top of the thread looking fabulous. Roger is due all the praise.
  21. For better or worse the inaugural meeting of the BCDBNorth Massive has been booked in for Oct 5th off J25 M1. 11am - 5pm
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