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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Joseph Kay seems to be doing interesting work https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.560491584011147.1073741848.142235195836790&type=1
  2. He used to be around here (or the old place) and he seemed sound and plenty of people were complimentary IIRC.
  3. Forgot to mention that I have actually owned one as well. It was the 63 P up on his site. It sat next to my original 66J more than happily and ticked all the same boxes for me. Do I feel stupid for selling it? Yes.
  4. Get someone to build you the wood bits - there are plenty of guys on here who would do it. Buy the hardware on here. Every pickup ever made crops up eventually. Get https://www.facebook.com/Retro169?fref=ts to paint it. I am in the process of doing this with a J5 http://basschat.co.uk/topic/192744-relic-j5/page__p__2062347__hl__relic__fromsearch__1#entry2062347 If Bravewood built a J5 I would have him doing it, but he does not, so I am getting it done another way.
  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1390154642' post='2342043'] I trust you said "Thank you"..? [/quote] I was very gracious about it!
  6. And then my brother turns round and says I can have his AKG C12A on permanent loan.
  7. I must admit the PR40 does look attractive.
  8. I need a new piezo strip pickup. The difference in prices is staggering. Are all piezo pickups much of a muchness or are some better than others? I am fully aware of the pre-amp side of things having been amplifying my DB for decades, but I could have one of these http://www.ebay.com/itm/TONE-MONSTER-SAU-Ukulele-Uke-Under-Saddle-Piezo-Pickup-Flex-Design-High-Quality-/111248949316?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19e6f44044 or I could pay £100 + fpr something more mainstream. All I want and will use is the strip, I have a pre-amp ready to go which does all I need it to do. TIA
  9. Thanks for the input so far everyone. I have spent some time reading reviews and stuff and now have a clearer view of what is out there.
  10. I have had lots of nice mics waved at my bass in the past, but find myself wanting to record at home. What to use that wilp not break the bank but will sound nice? I tried an SE2200 from work but did not care for it. There are all sorts of mics which would be lovely, but what would work for £150-£200? I am fully aware that nice mics are expensive for a reason.
  11. Ooof! Matching headstocks are the bomb!
  12. Hi All, We have a super technician at work but his nuts and bolts knowledge about guitar set up and electrickery is not all it might be. Could anyone suggest a luthier who might do a bespoke 2 day course to get him up to speed. He is keen and easy to have around and does not smell. TIA
  13. Ugh! I have just read about yours and spent some time reading a 14 page thread on the VM P5 on TB. I am struggling to think of a reason not to buy one and get it re-finished in Nitro black and relic it.
  14. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1389265443' post='2331999'] Absolutely love that! really is a fantastic looking bass, got any sound clips? [/quote] Who cares how it sounds? I just want to hang it on my wall!
  15. The Carol Kaye thing is a reference to many classic basslines which people had assumed were played by bass player A but were claimed by Carol Kaye. It is kind of internet folklore - if you are geeky enough to have wasted a significant amount of your time on bass forums. I am that time waster.
  16. Thanks ikay. Chamfering the entry hole makes a lot of sense. There is a nasty edge on it at the moment. I have used a headway and another similar (which I cannot remember at the moment). which are both flexible but obviously not made for sharp edges. I shall get the corner rounded and take it from there. Are all flexible piezo strips much of a muchness or is Piezo XYZ significantly better than Piezo ABC? I understand about buffering them and it is going into an Fdeck preamp which is lovely, but is there a difference between the actual strip from different manufacturers? I love this place
  17. I have a very long running project on. The build thread is here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/104007-5-string-bass-ukulele/page__st__30__p__2190563__hl__ukulele__fromsearch__1#entry2190563"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry2190563[/url] . I think that we have managed to break 2 undersaddle piezo pickups. The hole to put the pickup through the body into the bridge slot is at an angle of approx 75 degrees to the actual laying flat of the element under the saddle and this seems to snap the actual pickup giving me bucketloads of hum and a rubbish weedy output. The second pickup worked fine and dandy before installation but once the saddle was on and the angle created it all went pear shaped. Can anyone suggest a piezo element which would be super flexible? It is either that or I will have to get the angle changed on the mounting hole which is I guess do-able but will be royal pain to get done. I could take it back to the luthier to get done and it might come to that, but given the 3 year build time, I would like to keep it in my hands if at all possible. I don't want to get into the whole "it should be right before I get it" argument. I am aware of that but by now I just want to be able to use it and the luthier's time scale does not match mine. TIA
  18. The last time I heard shirt collars called that was the late 70's. I can even see them in my head. Wow, nostalgia central.
  19. I have always fancied one but would have flog something to pay for it, and there is nothing that I fancy shifting at the moment. I dare not put "new" money into buying kit otherwise I would have no control at all.
  20. The headroom issue is there if you have an inefficient cab. I have and did not love the mb200. The 500 on the other hand kicked arse.
  21. Can someone do the decent thing and buy this before, yet again, I buy something I do not need but really fancy?
  22. I would pay SERIOUS coin for a bass sustainer. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1388694024' post='2325019'] I wish Washburn would do a Peter Steele signature of the very rare M series bass that he used towards the end of his life. Cool looking bass, probably customised with a prototype Fernandez sustainer (why oh why did that not go into production?). [/quote]
  23. Matching headstocks on a jazz are the bomb!
  24. [quote name='tonyf' timestamp='1388501854' post='2322742'] Bass stuff into my work inbox every day. Seemed so exotic to be talking to people the other side of the world about bass shizzle. [/quote] That sums it up for me
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