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Everything posted by Owen

  1. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/the-bottom-line It would appear that I am older than I think. I thought everyone with a hint of bass geekery knew about it.
  2. The Bottom Line was the original bass-centric email list. In the days before super easy www action it was the place to be. Every day there was an email discussing lots of bass stuff. It was most excellent.
  3. I feel kind of sad. It was a beacon of bass back in the olden days.
  4. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1388312796' post='2320578'] Nah... sorry, not for me. [/quote] I am not hugely fussed about the sound and have not really listened - I would certainly not be slapping anything on any sort of gig, All tone is changeable. I would love to try it for the ergonomics of the neck.
  5. The [url="https://www.facebook.com/StashBassGuitar"]Stash Stainless Bass Guitar[/url] is totally doing it for me.
  6. It is all beyond tedious. It feels like a guitar forum.
  7. Sadly, there is something to be said for HUGE power supplies.
  8. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/224762-hughes-kettner-bassmaster-tube-preamp/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/224762-hughes-kettner-bassmaster-tube-preamp/[/url] Prob gone already.
  9. There was a Hughes and Kettner thing on the amps for sale pretty recently. Preamp and very tiny power amp. Drive into the AI and you do not find yourself carrying the weight of a small country around with you.
  10. Aaron Armstrong made them. They are just a couple of MM5 shells, because the one which was in there already was an MM5. The J ones should be in where they need to be. The P will be slightly spaced out and it is an experiment but it will work, even if it is not "pure P". I have put an Armstrong P5 into my MTD Kingston which is in the MM spot, and in the thick of a live band I have not felt that the position being a few mm to the left of where it "should" be is an issue and it still does "P". I was originally going to put one big cover in with multiple magnet options in there but because the original rout was MM5 with ears it would have to have been the size of a bus to cover all the holes. If you are putting a new block of wood in the middle, then you could put a large one piece cover in - like the monsters you were considering earlier, just with your own configuration in there.
  11. I am in the process of changing a single pickup instrument into a double pickup. I wanted the best of both worlds so have gone for 2 x humbucker pickup covers with 1 x J and half a P in each. They are mounted fairly close together and that way I can get either 2 x J, 1 x J or P options running. Just an idea.
  12. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1386961827' post='2306970'] Regarding the pickups, if you like the ( now very hard to get hold of) Dark Stars, have you considered the Hanson/Lakland Chi Sonics ? They are loosely based on the Dark Stars , but they sound slightly more open in the midrange , with a similar mixture of vintage warmth and hifi clarity to the sound , kind of a supercharged passive pickup. They are available in a number of case sizes, now including regular Jazz pickup size, so you could use the existing routes. [/quote] Not wanting to hijack the thread, but could you link me to where I might buy a set of J Chi Sonics?
  13. Good job! I have always fancied trying one of those.
  14. I had a bi-amped rig once with a Mackie 600w sub at the bottom. I hated carrying it, I hated balancing it for the room (when I had time or could be bothered), I hated the change in response when I had not balanced it properly. I HUGELY enjoyed the bottom B and E on my Double Bass with it. I heart LF!
  15. I believe that the saying is that this thread is worthless without pictures.
  16. ACME make a nice wedge now. http://www.acmebass.com/#/products
  17. If nothing else it is worth visiting the fretboard.co.uk to see this http://www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/6268/fs-jooky-jazzmaster-with-bigsby-wobbly-bits I SERIOUSLY want that. There is no way I will buy it, but it is super lush.
  18. You can answer some by trying it! You know where I am.
  19. Alembic FX1 and Demeter hbp -1 go for around the £300 mark 2nd hand. Both are very fine. The Alembic is not super versatile, but it does what it does extremely well. The Demeter has more EQ options. I had a long affair with a Demeter and catalogued it here. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/26029-demeter-hbp-1-pre-amp/page__p__1146966__hl__demeter__fromsearch__1#entry1146966 . By now I am running a Monique and an old TC 1114. They are very different but both really nice. The TC (when they come up) seems to go for absolute peanuts. The sad bit is that my ears are now knackered and I cannot play without earplugs so all the detail is totally lost on me. Don't let that be you kids.
  20. The Thunderfunk was not for me. The AI/ACME combo for DB really floats my boat.
  21. Woops, there it is. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/223796-ebs-classic-bass-preamp/page__hl__ebs__fromsearch__1
  22. There is an EBS up on the amps for sale forum somewhere. I have no experience of them (possibly the only variant of 1U I have not got around to trying oddly enough), but they are very highly thought of.
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