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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Low is where it is at. If we wanted to play high we would be playing <snigger> 'cellos <snigger>.
  2. My Double Bass told me to ask if your Tele was seeing anyone at the moment. Normally guitars are not her thing, but she said that she fancied yours.
  3. I flogged Ryan an amp. It did not arrive as I had sent it. Ryan was cool while it got sorted. Ryan is cool. Know it you do.
  4. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bass-Line-Stories-Photographs-Hinton/dp/0877226814/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1365513040&sr=1-2&keywords=milt+hinton
  5. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1361999619' post='1994370'] I had a small tech issue with it and Jule's customer service - remember, this is to someone who bought it second hand so he has not seen a penny from me - has been WAY beyond the call of duty. It has just been stellar. I cannot speak highly enough of it. It is a quality pre from a quality company. [/quote] Just to update this for the record, it turns out that the tech issue I was having was with another piece of kit in my signal chain and the Monique was totally blameless.
  6. I cannot even smile and play at the same time.
  7. I had reached the stage of a new nut and would probably need individual bridge pieces for the radius. What I am thinking of would be getting newtone strigns to wind me a set of 41" roundwounds. I'm not sure the gut frets would last too long. Of course this would be an expensive experiment which might not be "all that" in the end!
  8. On further thought, intonating a bridge on an already existing EUB for fretted work would be a total pain and would mean a radical bit of wood surgery
  9. I have an NS eub which gets an innordinate amount of love from sound engineers every time I drag it out. I would happily buy a 6 string one to do the bottom F# thing if I could see if the fretted thing worked.
  10. Yes, I know that it is not a concept which immeadiately springs to mind, but being a DB player I really like the facilty my right hand has over an arched fingerboard. I have an old DB neck complete with fingerboard which I could easily (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!) knock up into an EUB thing. Would fretting a curved fingerboard be do-able as a retro fit job. NS design do one so it is do-able but who would undertake such a job? Is this my stupidest idea yet?
  11. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a49/peredur/IMAG0003_zpsd98a6dfd.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a49/peredur/IMAG0002_zpse9d722a3.jpg[/IMG]
  12. I'll take the 4 string set if they are still there. PM me your PP. Thanks.
  13. Mr 10 had a CD I fancied. I paid, it came. It is all good
  14. [quote name='Mickeyboro' timestamp='1363954636' post='2020052'] Declaring an interest as I am his pal and put the money up to publish it, Deke Leonard's [b]Rhinos Winos and Lunatics[/b]. It turned him from a guitarist (with Welsh band Man) to an author, and he's since written two more. He has a Facebook page for his latest effort, [b]The Twang Dynasty[/b] - [url="http://www.facebook.com/twangdynastybook"]http://www.facebook.com/twangdynastybook[/url]. In terms of mixing music, info and humour I really think he's in a class of his own. [/quote] The Twang Dynasty is a fantastic read. Passionately written by someone who knows his stuff.
  15. I was told by the keyboard player recently that he couldn't hear the difference between any of them. Significantly closer to the truth than any of us would want to admit! Are there differences? Obv yes, but in the mix to an ear that does not care, not really much of a difference. I would keep the Sadowsky.
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