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Everything posted by Owen

  1. [quote name='Digestive10' timestamp='1363966009' post='2020280'] CD for Chic completeists £5.00 + £1.50 for postage. [attachment=130715:100_0591.JPG] [/quote] Yes please. Paypal?
  2. Owen

    BC on phone

    Ray, you speak the truth!
  3. Owen

    BC on phone

    I cannot even spell "defaulted" properly. This has not been a good thread for me
  4. Owen

    BC on phone

    Umm...........mumble..............mutter............. yes.............yes it is.............thanks.... <tries to slide away hoping no has noticed his stupidity>.........
  5. Owen

    BC on phone

    I really like the phone format on my phone but it has defated to full version. Any idea how to go back to simplicity? TIA
  6. I drive a V reg estate with 150K on the clock. It gets me where I need to go. Would I enjoy a Bentley? I think I would
  7. Owen

    Bongo Fever

    I have owned 3 so am qualified to comment. The electrics really are something else. If I could buy those seperately I would be all over them like a bad rash. Stupendous sound. The lower horn dug into my leg when sitting down. I play sitting down enough for it to be an issue so am no longer Bongoed up. It does roar though.
  8. Strung with Roto Trubass strings (the black plastic coated ones. Super light and lots of fun to play. Great for small hands. Black. I have pics but cannot make my phone talk with photobucket at the moment so will get them up when I have sorted that.
  9. [quote name='zero9' timestamp='1363037118' post='2007506'] Great amp, have a bump on me. Btw, I think this particular model puts out 400W at 4 Ohm and 500W at 2 Ohm. [/quote] I am more or less certain that the OP's specs regarding power are correct. I already have an AI otherwise I would be buying this one. Very few of the small heads go down to 2 Ohms. This is a steal.
  10. Sorry, would clipping be a better word to use than distortion?
  11. The aesthetics are the best. I am a miserable old Fender bloke. There are very few newer shapes that work for me but the Ritter stuff is just so beautifully designed that it hits the spot. His finishes are always spot on. He is pushing in directions which no one else seems to.be doing. I owned one for a bit and it was an exceedingly fine axe and would have several more if money was no object. The Monroe bass with F holes and a really nice piezo system would be lush beyond. If it existed.
  12. It is not too many watts that does nasty things to cabs, it is too few being driven into distortion. I used to drive an NV610 with an 800w amp for many happy hours.
  13. Bump for fine cabs at silly money
  14. I would be happy to organise the thing in Bangor, North Wales, but feel we would probably not reach critical mass. You can be certain about the rain. How many would we need to make it happen?
  15. Mmmmmm metalflake red with matching headstock, body binding and RW board. With a B. I would struggle to not buy that.
  16. I have one. I initially got sucked in by the aesthetics, then one appeared on here in a pic of something else for sale and one thing led to another............. I really like it. The killer blow for me is the sensitivity knob. I am useless at turning sound into words but it just makes the sound more vibrant/3D/dynamic. I like it enough to shift a Demeter, Alembic, REDDI and and Aguilar on (it would appear that I have issues). That is not to say that the sound I like is the sound you like but it is doing it for me at the moment. I had a small tech issue with it and Jule's customer service - remember, this is to someone who bought it second hand so he has not seen a penny from me - has been WAY beyond the call of duty. It has just been stellar. I cannot speak highly enough of it. It is a quality pre from a quality company.
  17. Sorry, it's gone. I should have updated. I will do so now.
  18. I asked Andy about a bespoke job recently and he said that he was not doing them for the forseable future.
  19. There is nothing like a great set of pictures, and these are nothing like a great set of pictures but hopefully will give you the right idea. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a49/peredur/E0E24C4C-0D45-429C-A53F-1732852BB699-8801-000006E74C31FA40_zpse193578b.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a49/peredur/5BF9A003-8CC5-4BC1-B0CD-4DB16143D68A-8801-000006E745AB2FAE_zps389bf550.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a49/peredur/E4544747-2D5D-49A2-862F-3EB37AA89AB1-8801-000006E73CDBCDC2_zpsa3bfed8d.jpg[/IMG] It is all shiny and new.
  20. I recognise that bridge! I have one in black from Canada. The piezo element on the D is not quite seated properly which is a pain cos it is quieter than the rest. Did you have any problems? Thanks
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