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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Gear4music bass. Will you need new strings? Yes. They come up here 2nd hand fairly regularly. Will it need the bridge filing down? Yes. A set of files will cost you about £6. Will it need the fingerboard planed true? Possibly - between £50-£100. Can you sell the case on ebay? Yes. I sold one for £120. Will it respond like one of the great Italian masters? No. Will it be fine and dandy for going "thud" or "Bdum-dum-dum-dum? Yes It would be cool to drop £2K (+++++++) on a bass, and there is every chance that you would love it, but you do not have to. If you feel later on that you want to upgrade then by all means do so and enjoy the process, but you do not have to spend 4 figures to get going.
  2. I used to do this with series 1 Mackie SRM450. I ran out of headroom too quickly. It was a different story when I added the Mackie actve sub, but the portability was lost then
  4. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1359585791' post='1957267'] Woah, that JC is gorgeous ... but unfortunately though heart says yes, head is saying 'don't be a silly b****r you'll never play it live'. Head is winning right now unfortunately. [/quote] The force is weak with this one. This is not the BC way.
  5. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1358977489' post='1948113'] After the recent experiment with felt picks, my cyber-wanderings led me to [url="http://www.ukulele-plectrums.co.uk/"]http://www.ukulele-plectrums.co.uk/[/url] [/quote] I bought 10 for just under £12. They are lush!
  6. I picked up some leather picks from http://www.ukulele-plectrums.co.uk/leather-plectrum-bass-guitar-large-stiff-lilac-designer-x-10-p-162.html?zenid=e8lqt8cuu1ku3mid93i45ohc53 and they are everything I hoped the felt ones would be - lush! Pretty thick, as in 3 or 4mm, but all the directness of pick without the clank. Sometimes clank is good, sometimes it is nice to not have it.
  7. [quote name='swanbrook' timestamp='1359387874' post='1953959'] The first one is the mackie. Have it, use it, love it .... Sometimes ! [/quote] Mackie have announced cut down software to run on iPhones. GET IN!
  8. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1359231424' post='1952035'] The Fodera Hollowbody caught my attention [attachment=126080:Fodera Hollowbody.jpg] [/quote] If I was paying the price of a small island for a bass I would want the body not to be made of two body blanks glued together. Ugh.
  9. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1359485905' post='1955535'] I'd need a bigger van for more bergs [/quote] Don't burden us with your problems. We are looking to you for leadership in these tough times. Kick start the economy!
  10. [quote name='mckendrick' timestamp='1359478975' post='1955375'] An [i]un-[/i]stripped pre CBS....? [/quote] Nope. Maybe? No. Can I have one of each? I even have a set of mutes waiting for just the right moment. Sadly, this is not it. The first bass I ever really took in was a stripped Jazz and I struggle to not buy it every time I see one for sale. I have even done a spreadsheet to see if I could realise the capital for this one. It did not work
  11. Ah! The simple purity of a stripped pre CBS. Does it get any finer?
  12. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1359461002' post='1954996'] Pm'd re SWR [/quote] NO NO NO NO NO NO. Buy ANOTHER big Berg as well! DO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT for all of us
  13. [s]It turned out that the Badass V did not go so is here if anyone wants it.[/s] Fender also still here - call it £10 for the Fender
  14. Not to derail, but I am yet to try a duff set of TI strings. The Jazz Rounds are just lush - same kind of low tension vibe as the flats, but .....umm...... roundwound. I put a set of power bass strings on my Jazz last week and it all sounds louder and beefier than before. Almost like a little preamp has been put in. I realise that sounds ridiculous, but that is how it feels. I'm loving them.
  15. [quote name='Mikey.d' timestamp='1359248057' post='1952208'] Hi, will you split up the rig? I'm interested in the head only...and whats this buzzing problem, is it the amp or the bins or your bass maybe not earthing properly? [/quote] The head has probably left the building I'm afraid. But if that changes I will re-anounce. [quote name='voxpop' timestamp='1359282812' post='1952354'] Is the hum and breakup caused by the speakers or amp ? Thanks. [/quote] The hum is a signal to noise issue in the amp. I have gigged with significantly worse, but I wanted to be clear in the ad. Breakup is on really heavy plucking and in the amp. I have tried the speakers with another known to be working amp and they are fine and dandy. [quote name='playbass' timestamp='1359283235' post='1952360'] Where are you? I'd also be interested to hear more about where the hum is coming from. Do you mean 'edge' in a good way or are you trying to decribe a bad sound? Thanks. [/quote] I am in North Wales. The edge is not what you would call valves being driven into mellow overdrive. It is slightly harsh distortion. Again, on a gig it would simply disappear, but I want to be clear about stuff. I hope that answers all the questions. As I said the amp is more than likely gone and, as I forgot to say, one speaker is spoken for. Thanks y'all
  16. I like your style! Let's do it! Papal or bank transfer? Cheers Owen
  17. [s][color=#e6e6fa]One SD triple coil MM 5 string jobbie. Link to info about the 4 string one - [/color][url="http://www.seymourdu...mb4a_5a_3coil/."]http://www.seymourdu...mb4a_5a_3coil/.[/url] [color=#e6e6fa]Mine is the same but has no ears, like all drop in 5 string MM[/color] [url="http://www.thomann.d...CFaTMtAodkycACQ"]http://www.thomann.d...CFaTMtAodkycACQ[/url][/s] S[s][color=#e6e6fa]econd pickup is a Bart DL5CBC. More info here cos Bart seems to keep all info secret [/color] [url="http://www.bestbassg...cbc-pickups.htm"]http://www.bestbassg...cbc-pickups.htm[/url] [color=#e6e6fa]£45. Requisite dodgy phone pic[/color][/s] Need them you know you do
  18. V cool. Must do this. It cannot be that hard but I have never had the confidence to get stuck in..
  19. I watched a lot of her vids on YT. I don't understand.......... she seems to be playing everything on the same bass......... surely she must know that she needs different basses for different styles............... what......... you mean it really is just in the fingers...............? How can I justify having more than one bass now then? She sounds great.
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