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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Yes for no scratchplate. Release the sparkle. In virtually all things, less is more. But in sparkle, more is more.
  2. I used to feel gulity about putting too much EQ onboard. Like it was cheating. Which is nuts. That is what it is there for. I have just bought a Smith floor preamp and whacked the bass up on it. I am very happy.
  3. I have a set of Galli flatwound ubass strings in my Thomann wishlist for when I buy something from there next.
  4. I am guessing that my measuring doobrie is sitting inside the thread on the shaft of the pot whereas it is sitting outside the thread on the nut.
  5. Hi all, I (as in someone is doing it for me) am in the process of putting MM Bongo electrics into a Stingray. The pots on the preamp only came with one nut. I need more. But what do I buy? I have attached pics as best I can of what I have. I am presuming that I am looking at Imperial fittings. TIA
  6. The rules used to be pre 1965. But the rules also used to be that you resigned if you were in government and breached the ministerial code. So everything has changed. Things are not like they used to be.
  7. I pick paint off my 66J when I am bored.
  8. Oooooooft! Get a load of that.
  9. Nothing wrong really, just that they are not run of the mill and we are used to black plastic. The reality is that cream/white covers have recently been attracting my attention as well
  10. Shiny pickups. So wrong, but so very right. Prrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  11. I went through a phase when I came to the conclusion that all preamps were much of a muchness. Different flavours of good, but good all the same. I then realised that they were all going through my Bergantino IP310. So almost anything through an IP310.
  12. I used to do that when we had to set up our Church in a school hall every Sunday. Inevitably there would be people helping who were not cable friendly. Using the reel meant it there was no cable cruelty happening.
  13. A friend left a bass on a train after returning from a gig on May the 26th this year. He got off at Oxford Rd, Manchester and the train terminated at Manchester Airport. It was in the overhead luggage rack. He has been searching, phoning etc but to no avail. Has anyone seen an Ibanez btb846 which looks like the picture below for sale anywhere? TIA
  14. To sound check the bass I play the riff from Peaches. The more inappropriate it is to the the venue, the better. It will always raise a smile from that one person who knows.
  15. Editing?!? Presets are the way forward. Someone else has done all that tedious stuff for you. This is my favourite thing. However, you could use it to find something in the right ball park then go in and edit that preset. But then if you will need to wire it all up then you had might as well just use the PC. My advice is not going well.
  16. The faital might actually work. But be aware that equally you would screw it all in and find that it was not the cab you remember.
  17. I have no recommendations. But I would not bother hooking it up to a PC. Just zapp all the presets off your phone by pointing it at your pickups. Saves loads of time.
  18. I am not really qualified to be spouting about this on a public forum. This has never stopped me. I am sure that the Faital is a fine, fine driver. If it is expecting to see an enclosure which is a different size from the EA then you are likely to be dissapointed. Thiele small blah blah resonanace blah blah loading blah blah.
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