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Everything posted by Owen

  1. The only cab I have ever prefered to this one was a Turbosound stack I was given when the hired SVT did not work. But I would not carry the Turbosound in my car. This is the end for cab GAS.
  2. Owen


    Sadly, I will not be changing strings using the attachment on my electric screwdriver. However they are fine and dandy in use. Not AS easy as paddles, obviously. But I am a form over function kind of bloke and am very happy indeed with them. I cannot ever remember having to retune this bass once it has been tuned when playing, and the basics of the machine heads are unchanged.
  3. Owen


    Well, not entirely new machine head day. But bits of them. I have never liked the machine head paddles on my Shuker. I am aware that I need to get out more. So I got the local luthier to fabricate some Ebony spheres which slot onto the axle of the machine heads after taking the paddles off. They have come out just as I hoped.
  4. I took a 3 hour detour on our honeymoon in 1990 to buy a 2nd hand Stingray 5. My wife was not amused. I then wait straight into a playing session with no 5 string acclimatisation. Extra string? No sweat. Actually lots of sweat. And polytonality. I eventually sold it. My wife was unamused again.
  5. This is my favourite thing
  6. Owen


    I feel a bit stupid running two threads on this, but I figure I cannot be the only person who finds this interesting. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/473275-not-a-build-surprised-but-a-woodwork-question/page/2/#comments
  7. Caren Carpenter. Delivery that smooth takes lots of power.
  8. Zero shame in seeking comfort. Zero shame in making your instrument work for you. I know for a fact that other people pick up my basses and think "yeah, not for me". Do I care? Not even a little bit.
  9. Newtone round core nickels are my lower tension strings of choice. Thomastik Jazz Rounds are even lower tension - but mind bendingly expensive.
  10. If you get 3.6mm x 27mm then the tone will be more better. This is a joke.
  11. We have all been there. You are doing much better than some of us have managed.
  12. On reflection, they are actually made out of ebony. The next ones will be rosewood for a different bass.
  13. Here are the 5 finished ones. They are made out of rosewood. I have yet to actually get my hands on them and fit them so time will tell. But he does have one of the machine heads so I presume they will be fine.
  14. You could easily cope with an Omni Bass. I had a 5 string fretted one some time ago. I should not have sold it. Strory of my life.
  15. Matt, I would be a fool to refuse. Let's take this to PM.
  16. ..... are heinously expensive and I only need 4. Can anyone point me at an alternative?
  17. And the award for best photo backdrop goes to Davi!
  18. Anyone tried those "whack one of these lenses on your phone and make it super zoom" doobries? Honestly, if it functioned then we would be good to go.
  19. Thanks. We used a DSLR at the beginning but it would shut after a given amount of time and if I could find something which would pan and zoom from our control software that would be the bomb.
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