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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Thanks. That is the going rate for the grown up stuff. I am just looking around to see if there is anything which is "ok-ish" because it is bound to be a step up from our iPods and they are doing what we need just fine.
  2. Yep, paying more always gets nicer. However, we are trolling along happily with phone/iPod cameras so thinking there has to be something out there which will fit the bill without a massive bill.
  3. We are now only going out on zoom. However, I think a PTZ camera we could mount under the balcony would tidy things up. I am more than aware that I could easily spend 4 figures and up on one, but the reality is we are doing absolutely fine with phone or iPod cameras on tripods so do not need the greatest doobrie in the world. Any real world suggestions? Spending under 300 would be great. Ta.
  4. To get back on topic, I changed a bridge once because I had to know. At best? 5% difference and that was negative. With a Baddass bridge. For the record, changing my EMG preamp from 9v to 18v was also a collosal "Is that it? Really?" event.
  5. This state also accounts for the fact that they have a musky aroma about them becuase hygine is not their top priority. I have students who are living that same way.
  6. Apparently Koalas are not drunk. They are permanently stoned. What they eat (eucalyptus?) sends them, maaaaaan.
  7. I have just clocked that I missed the 39" Shuker Sorry you could not make it.
  8. That is real dedication. I often say that we are in the golden age of luthiery. This is becuase it is virtually impossible to buy a new bass that cannot be persuaded to play nicely with a good setup. My first bass was a Columbus. It was absolutely dire.
  9. Owen


    Nonononono. No 'plate on it. That would spoil the fabulous juxtaposition.
  10. We truly live in the golden age of luthiery. A CNC machine is the same in premium production facilities and in my shed. Pickup are wires and magnets - nothing else. Plenty of UK winders who will do what is needed if you want an upgrade without using the usual supects to deliver THE TOOOOOOOOOOOOONE. A decent set up will render 99.9% of instruments available today totally ready to gig. I am as guilty as anyone on here (and guiltier than most) about obsessing about top end kit - but last weekend's Bassbash let me learn (yet again) that what is out there is lovely, but not necessarily any better than what I own and will certainly not make me a better player or get me better gigs. A case in point is my son's experience last weekend. He was working sound for a name band to rehearse before they left for the US this coming Friday. The bassist rolled in with a Squier P bass he bought for £35. At a guess it had been set up well. He played and it made a bass noise.
  11. G&L skimp on shielding full stop. This is not reserved for their Tribute models. Strange for a company who have been doing what they have been doing for so long and BANG ON about quality product. You can buy a L-1000 pickup and whack it into an LB-100 with a made up L-1000 wiring loom - job's a good'un.
  12. You can do all sorts of things with them.
  13. Owen


    It is so weird with white pickup covers. I used to think they were the beyond tasteless. Now I cannot get enough of them in bright coloured basses.
  14. A buffing pad on a drill makes them really shiny! And wears the varnish off if you are too enthusiastic. This is something else I do not want to discuss.
  15. For the next one, could there be a section where people could put items for sale?
  16. The day I discovered winding machine heads with an adapter on a drill was a great day. I even unscrew one end of the machines to wind on by hand. But I also hate it.
  17. I did not get the bass. I got the basses. It was a good day.
  18. I am afraid they do. There is a rash of re-imagining Vivaldi's Four Seasons around at the moment. For the record I have not listened to the cover at the top of the thread but I was listening to the Live and Dangerous album last night. A band is only as good as it's drummer. Brian Downey is a total master - he has sublime feel.
  19. I tell a lie. I have snapped a B string as well. But that was due to shockingly poor tuning peg technique and it getting wedged inside the peg box.
  20. Respect is due. I have only managed to snap one DB string in 40 years. And that was because I was tuning it an octave higher than I should have. I do not want to talk about it.
  21. Thanks to @Andyjr1515 for explaining setups in a way which made sense to me. I have watched myriad videos but never grasped it. This says more about me than about the videos.
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