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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Just fabulous. John sold me a Bolin NS 5. He experienced instant regret but went through with it anyway.
  2. The new owner is digging it massively. This is how I always imagined piezos could sound, but have never actually heard it. It is going nowhere.
  3. I'm using an East MM-alike pre so does the whole "coil switching is an integral part of the MM SR5 pre-amp" apply? Thanks as usual. [quote name='obbm' post='77799' date='Oct 22 2007, 05:46 PM']This is where it gets difficult for you because the coil switching is an integral part of the MM SR5 pre-amp. In series and single coil + phantom mode the point where the coils are connected is at ground and the other ends of the coils go to two separate op-amp stages out of phase with each other. This cancels any external interference. On my Stray5 with a Nordstrand and an East MM style pre-amp I separated out all the coils by adding an extra wire to the bundle that runs from the pick-up to the pre-amp and designed my own switching using an MM SR5 lever switch. It works but there is a level difference between the different settings. MM fix this by using a spare set of switch contacts to change the stage gain. Neat design. I've yet to tackle that one. If you've got 2 pick-ups then you are going to have twice the fun trying to sort it. Good luck.[/quote]
  4. Back in the day I owned a SR5 (bought on a 4 hour detour on my honeymoon - how my brand new wife laughed!) I only ever used the phatest sound, not bothering with the other options. If I wire the pick-up for maximum phatness and don't bother with the rest is it still going to be a nightmare. Tech stoopid I am
  5. The deed is done. I now have two humbucker sized holes in my MM5 wanabee (Status neck, home made lump of birdseye/flamed maple capping a one piece ash body with a rosewood veneer). I have 2 Nordstrand triple coils to go in. The wiring instructions say that it is a direct replacement for a MM5 triple coil pickup - the trouble is that the original pick up in this particular bass was not a MM triple coil (but the routes have been done to fit it) so I actually have no wiring template. I have searched on the Seymour Duncan site. Could anyone offer any clues? TIA as ever. It will be a fire breathing monster when done!
  6. Never mind the amp - LOOK AT THE BASS
  7. Thanks y'all. The man with the router is expressing himself as we speak. Owen
  8. [quote name='The Burpster' post='75206' date='Oct 16 2007, 06:59 PM']I'm sure someone can but repairs and tech is teh place to ask...... Off you go...![/quote] I love you Burpster!
  9. Hi all, I am about to dig a hole in my MM5-alike to add another humbucker. Could anyone who has a double humbucker Stingray or Bongo measure where the second one is in relation to the bridge saddles (let's say from the D saddle). Thanks Owen
  10. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='73744' date='Oct 13 2007, 01:11 PM']A wise choice sir.... it was the price that was the decider wasn't it! I've not had confirmation from another interested party so it's yours. I'm replying to your PM re. payment.[/quote] It was GAS in it's purest form. You know how it is If this does it for me, then I will be offloading a couple of basses pronto. If not, then it will be back up sharpish, so if someone else here fancied it then all is not lost!
  11. I bought a Mazeti bass off Ebay for £120 about a year ago, simply because I could not stop myself. I am frankly embarrassed by the amount of money I have spent on kit over the years (Just for reference Sei, US Lak, Lak Skyline, MM Bongos) and I can say with my hand on my heart that the Mazeti is just FANTSTIC value for money. Totally excellent B. Here is a link to a fretless one on at the mo [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MAZETI-WALNUT-THRU-NECK-5-STRING-FRETLESS-BASS_W0QQitemZ330172161483QQihZ014QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MAZETI-WALNUT-THRU-N...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] Keep an eye on the seller and a fretted one will eventually appear. My other present obsession is the old MTD kingston series. They have rubbish re-sale so go for next to nothing (£150/£200). Much wider necks than the Mazetis but a commanding B and light light light. And there you have it.
  12. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='71593' date='Oct 9 2007, 03:08 PM']Not half as much as I will if I don't curb my spending. Testes may well be worn as winter ear muffs if I'm not careful I should point out that the reason I'm angling for a trade rather than a straight sale is that if I sell this bass I fear she'll have the funds appropriated into the kitchen modernisation pot and I'll never get my hands on it. A sale isn't out of the question though.[/quote] I really feel your pain.
  13. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='71454' date='Oct 9 2007, 10:13 AM']Yes I have indeed made a rash purchase (again), convinced that I'd be able to convert to a 5 (again) but SWMBO has pointed out that I haven't even sold one of my amps yet (again)![/quote] I feel your pain.
  14. I had to fight SO hard to not buy that one (if it's the same one). It is lushness in a pot.
  15. [quote name='thedonutman' post='68753' date='Oct 2 2007, 06:00 PM']Don't mean to hijack, but where did you get the 4+1 from?[/quote] 4+1 came from Ebay. Where else?
  16. [quote name='BeLow' post='69278' date='Oct 3 2007, 10:16 PM']This is very scary - but that might have been my bass! I sold one like it back in the early 90's to a guy who said he wanted to convert it into a 5. I regretted selling it ever since. The only thing that doesn't tally up is the head stock (which was a squire logo and the scratch plate but could easily have been replaced). I don't think I have the serial numbers though. Is the pickup original?[/quote] Logo seems to be original, I put the new scratchplate on it. The pick up is a replacement. It is very fine and "just works"
  17. [quote name='Sean' post='68800' date='Oct 2 2007, 08:23 PM']22 ct Gold pickguard, maybe? [/quote] I posted it really late when I was VERY tired. It seemed reasonable. Like all killer recordings done at 3am, they don't look/sound quite as good in the morning! I think £350 would be fair, but on mature reflection (!) I will hold on to it.
  18. [quote name='ped' post='68470' date='Oct 2 2007, 12:55 AM']How tight is the spacing with the Wilkinson 4+1 installed?[/quote] Spacing is 15/16mm according to my morning eyes with a tape measure. It is not tight as such, easy for fingers/pick.
  19. Bass is a Japanese Precision. (Ser number C 016559 which to the best of my knowledge places it in 85/86) . I bought it second hand - it might be a 57 re-issue or something clever along those lines. I have no idea. I'm sure someone will tell me It plays well and feels "right". It is lighter than a light thing. I'm just not a P kinda guy. Condition is fine and dandy for a 21 year old bass. Pics looked WAY better inside my camera's tiny screen. I will get onto some better ones, but it is now bed time. It has a Wilkinson 4+1 kit on it at the moment. The bridge is swapped for a new bridge and the D string tunes at the bridge after being anchored at the string retainer on the headstock. All could be returned to "normal" with a screwdriver and 10 minutes work (less with an electric one) and a new nut. £350 Want it you know you do [attachment=2574:DSCN3478.JPG] [attachment=2576:DSCN3481.JPG] [attachment=2575:DSCN3479.JPG]
  20. If you would split then I will take the EQ
  21. [quote name='Dodge' post='66909' date='Sep 28 2007, 01:53 PM']Anyone want this? It's working but missing a few bits - the battery box cover is missing, the nut on one of the sockets has disappeared. It works, but the socket with the missing nut is making an intermittent connection on occasion - probably caused a dry joint on the board. It's REALLY tatty but still sounds great if you like that sort of thing. Pics here: [url="http://picasaweb.google.com/paul.stansfield"]http://picasaweb.google.com/paul.stansfield[/url] No idea what it's worth, so I'm open to offers. It's quite heavy actually, so I imagine shipping will be ~£5+[/quote] PM
  22. [quote name='Peaty' post='66802' date='Sep 28 2007, 11:29 AM']what string spacing is the coconut cover pup for Cheers Pete[/quote] Whatever MM 5 spacing is. I think its 16mm or 17mm. I will check. It was made as a drop in for an MM5 Thanks Owen
  23. Gotoh have stopped making them I've ordered a Badass V because it will cover the same real estate as the Gotoh. Thanks all.
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