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Everything posted by Owen

  1. The Coconut wood one [attachment=2434:DSCN3477.JPG]
  2. QSC 2402 700w+700w into 4 Ohms or 2.4K bridged into 4 Ohms [url="http://www.qscaudio.com/products/amps/plx/plx.htm"]http://www.qscaudio.com/products/amps/plx/plx.htm[/url] Focusrite Trakmaster pre - [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/Nov01/articles/trackmaster.asp"]http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/Nov01/arti...trackmaster.asp[/url] Racked in 3U Rack £430 Pics soon Want it you know you do.
  3. 1 MM5-esque custom wound for me by Kent Armstrong and then encased in coconut tree wood. I will get pics up. £37 inc
  4. You never know until you ask!
  5. [quote name='BassManKev' post='56397' date='Sep 6 2007, 10:49 AM']because its pointless?[/quote] Nothing pointless about low notes. Low notes are cool. Pipe organs with 64' stops. None cooler.
  6. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='61289' date='Sep 16 2007, 06:18 PM']Brand new? 3rd hand but unregistered by me. Don't know about owner 1. Unregistered? See above Legit copy? Yes Sealed? Nope You don't quite have it yet man... I live in hope G[/quote]
  7. And there you have it.
  8. I'll take the fishman PM me your PP details Owen [quote name='garbev' post='58431' date='Sep 10 2007, 08:44 PM']Hiya all, More clearing out over the weekend, so I'm selling: Emg 35p and 35j P/up set. Logos worn but both work perfectly, cost me around £170....£70 . Bart 5 string soapbars....£50 Fishman Platinum pro bass Eq/Comp with box, new condition, great for upright and electric....£70 Finding more stuff as I go! Ta, Gary.[/quote]
  9. [quote name='fleamail' post='58175' date='Sep 10 2007, 01:09 PM']No its not on ebay. Guys what you think about the price? I want this to sell quick, I've seen some on ebay and gbase selling for 8000 and $9000.[/quote] OH GREAT. Gbase yet ANOTHER site I will have to plough through every day. Thanks a bunch
  10. D'Addario ENR71-5 If these are still here then I will take them. Drop me a PP address. Thanks Owen
  11. Try here [url="http://www.gearonline.co.uk/gearlist.htm"]http://www.gearonline.co.uk/gearlist.htm[/url] Also the Yamahas Dood suggested look great P7000s in the above link new for £410 P2500s in sounds live new for £233! It does 1.3Kw bridged into 4 ohms. Whether that is RMS is not clear though.
  12. [quote name='BassManKev' post='54874' date='Sep 3 2007, 06:33 PM']why on earth would you wanna drop an octave below a drop d?![/quote] Who [i]wouldn't[/i] want to drop an octave below low D?
  13. [quote name='Mikey D' post='55882' date='Sep 5 2007, 12:45 PM']Dear god,......Soil and Pimp Sessons!!!!!!! One of my favourite bands! Do you know when and where they are playing? They are insane. Last time I saw them the bass the guy was using the bridge collapsed mid-song! He set the whole thing up and and retuned etc ready for the next song. Every bass player or fan of music must check this band out. It likes a bunch of jazz acid fueled jazz/dance heads fronted by a japanese James Belushi. Mental.[/quote] No idea when or where I'm afraid. The collapsing bridge was one of the reasons that he was not digging the basses as provided and the tour manager needed other options.
  14. [quote name='Chopthebass' post='55565' date='Sep 4 2007, 09:50 PM']Do you want an ash one?[/quote] Unfortunately, as we all know, [i]want[/i] and [i]need[/i] are two different things
  15. Band are here [url="http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/soilpimp/eng/index_eng.html"]http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/soilpimp/eng/index_eng.html[/url] Thanks again.
  16. It's funny, the LAST thing I need is another project, but if that was only the Ash then I would be all over it like a rash.
  17. Doh! Thwaites! Why did I not think before posting? The www makes me lazy. I cannot remember the name of the band but I will find out. Thanks
  18. I have a friend who needs to hire a double bass for a couple of weeks for a jazz band he is road managing. I know that there are hire companies such as Matt Snowball etc but he has tried them and the bassist in question was not loving it. Any suggestions as to other sources for a nicer instrument to hire? Ta, like.
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' post='54733' date='Sep 3 2007, 01:47 PM']If you're not into 35" then I don't suppose you'd be interested in 36"... Won't hurt to ask though...[/quote] Mmmmmmmmmm, kinda funky in a good way!
  20. Korg G5. Lots of fun and does not have the kudos, and therefore the ££££££££££ of the DI. I love mine.
  21. I picked up an MTD Kingston for £150 here (or wherever we were at the time). I might re wind the pick up (Wizard £35), dump an East MM-a-like pre in £95 and you are away. I absolutely LOVE the MTD, it is lighter than a light thing, cheap so that I don't have to look after it and the neck is JUST FABULOUS (if you like wide and thin). I cannot speak highly enough of it. [quote name='Bigwan' post='52686' date='Aug 30 2007, 11:16 AM']Hi guys, Just looking other people's input here. I'm looking into a budget/mid-priced 5 string at the minute. I'd ideally like something that sounds like a Musicman 5 but with wider string spacing (19mm if possible). I sold off my MM5 I had because I couldn't get along with the string spacing. Can anyone think of something that fits the bill? I was really excited when I heard that Ibanez were re-releasing the ATK range, until I heard that the spacing on the new 305 is 16.5mm! The mid-90's version is 19mm but they're as rare as rocking horse poo! The ones I can think of (without going custom) are MTD imports (kingston and heir), Lakland 5502 (out of my current pricerange), mid-90's ATKs... Looking to stay around/under the £400 mark. Anyone think of anything else? Cheers Ian[/quote]
  22. Just as well that I did not see that as I would have had it without thinking twice despite the fact that I have NO funds at the moment.
  23. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='42443' date='Aug 7 2007, 01:26 PM']Pictures here.... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3578"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3578[/url] Basically inviting offers via PM here and via e-mail on another site, if I get one I think is good enough I will sell, if not I will keep it cased and sell later down the line, so get offers in![/quote] I know that I could just ignore this, but I thought that Ebay was set up for this sort of stuff. You obviously know what the offer that you would consider is, so why don't you just state it?
  24. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='42339' date='Aug 7 2007, 09:46 AM']That looks like it has 5 pots, no good to me unless I could rejig it to 4 pots and I ain't that clever. I'm out of the running sorry![/quote] The bad news is that I'm not at home at the mo so I cannot take pics. The good news is that it is configured Vol/Bal/Mid/Trebleandbass - so that is 4 pots. It is actually pretty small and would fit in anything with a control cavity bigger than a Jazz; obviously you would need to figure battery compartments in as well. The actuall guys are wrapped in heat shrink and are approx 4"x1". Obviously I will measure and photo and stuff so that people know before sending me their £ I guess Mr Hunt is first in line followed by Mr TPJ
  25. Vol/Bass/Mid/Treble/Pan 9v-27v Yours for £70 Want it you know you do.
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