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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I've owned 2 5ers. One HH and one H/Piezo. The HH was all good, VERY powerful tone. It made my Korg G5 come alive in a way that nothing else ever has. I loved the electronics but could take or leave the instrument. The looks were OK, but it all felt a bit stodgy. This is an incredibly subjective description and the truth is that if I could have afforded to have kept it, then I would have. The lower horn digged into my leg when I sat as well. I had picked up an MTD Kingston for next to nothing at the same time and, for me, as a piece of wood with vibrating strings on it it was miles ahead - REALLY nice neck, great spacing, lighter than a light thing. The Bongo sounded fabulous, I really enjoyed playing the MTD The H/piezo was one I took in a trade because I had a bass I could not shift and I'd always wanted to try a piezo bridge. It lacked the visceral grunt that the HH had and (for me) the piezo thing was underwhelming so it went as well. They were both good basses and when the opportunity arises I will probably buy another HH just for the sheer grunt factor it provided. If I could gut one and put the electronics into my Stingray5-alike then I would do so without hesitation. So all things considered, that's a yes then!
  2. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='41348' date='Aug 4 2007, 06:26 PM']bloody hell, her voice is awesome - strong and full and she holds the pitch by the scruff of the neck. She had a bit of a glitch getting over her second bridge though.[/quote] I wish that someone could say that I had a bit of a glitch getting over the second bridge after I had been touring with Bowie for years.
  3. [quote name='owen' post='39597' date='Jul 31 2007, 04:40 PM']What's the nut width?[/quote] Huh! What was I thinking? He who hesitates is lost!
  4. [quote name='99ster' post='33118' date='Jul 17 2007, 04:12 PM']Not nearly as practical due to the weight... But [url="http://www.flightcasewarehouse.co.uk/"]http://www.flightcasewarehouse.co.uk/[/url] quoted me £168 inc delivery for a full fight case for a CR4M - so an NS5 would probably work out about the same..? PS - love the 'bass' sticker! [/quote] Case for NS5 should be exactly the same as one for CR4M. Full flightcase would be cool, but it just depends on how much time it spends in the back of a van with apes loading it and unloading it. Carrying weight around is getting less and less attractive I must admit. I will swap you mine for that manky old orange jazz you got. Bass sticker comes for free every time you buy something from Bob Gollihur.
  5. Result. The dream lives on!
  6. [quote name='carlosfandango' post='30265' date='Jul 11 2007, 01:29 PM']Wicked! Exactly what I've been looking for! Thx![/quote] Cool. It took me a couple of nights of wandering around the web, but I could not be happier with it. You could go for some sort of fishing rod carrier as another option.
  7. Volume 34: Jam Session 2 CDs I'll take this. Could you PM me paypal details? Cheers, Owen
  8. Many variables here - but for reliability big PA amps are where it's at. Crown/QSC/Chevin/Powersoft the list goes on.
  9. A friend of mine (who is a BBC engineer and a D Bassist - if that has any relevance) did sound at a gig where the bassisy used an Audio Technica ATM350 which clipped onto the bridge. He also had Realist. He monitored off the Realist and put the AT through the PA. He said the sound was fabulous. YMMV obviously.
  10. <sigh> I have now persuaded myself that I really fancy a trashed sunburst Jazz, but with 5 strings and a 35" (or even 35 and a half") scale length. Who is going to build me one of those then?
  11. OK OK OK enough with the Villex thang. What's that funky mute thing you've got going on?
  12. [quote name='mhuk' post='25177' date='Jun 29 2007, 11:32 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1315&hl=bravewoodguitars&st=20"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...itars&st=20[/url][/quote] Looks like I was right
  13. www.bravewoodguitars.co.uk Just fabulous!
  14. [quote name='Stag' post='24594' date='Jun 28 2007, 07:46 PM']I think id be a bit suspicious at that price....[/quote] Don't worry, I have no intention of chasing it, but you must admit it does give a frisson of excitement!
  15. ................it probably is too good to be true. However [url="http://toronto.craigslist.org/msg/362144540.html"]http://toronto.craigslist.org/msg/362144540.html[/url]
  16. My 'cello teacher booted me out. My next teacher offered me a double bass. I knew I was home.
  17. Here is the case. It is an Explorer 13513 and I got it from Denny Diving for £230 ish inc shipping http://www.divingdirectshop.co.uk/product_...92a658e56bf9e5f It includes foam which I really butchered when I cut it. I must learn to be more patient. I will have to cover it with velvet one day. The case will not take an Undercover NS gig bag with no foam in it. I guess it would take the rubbish gig bag that comes with the NS. [attachment=415:DSCN3132.JPG] [attachment=414:DSCN3131.JPG]
  18. Going to do it. Which level of reduction 15 or 25 dB?
  19. [quote name='99ster' post='10354' date='Jun 1 2007, 01:58 AM']And 1966 Jazz basses are not a great year anyway - they're generally to be avoided if your after a 60's era Jazz bass.[/quote] Sweeping generalisation alert
  20. Bongo (as it happens I'm selling one - who'd have thought!) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=717"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=717[/url]
  21. Lydia brings the funk. Much respect. Respect coz she is a woman? No, because she brings the funk. It's the 21 century people, get with the now. www.myspace.com/lydiakaboesj
  22. Owen

    Trace VA 400

    [quote name='Oxblood' post='4466' date='May 22 2007, 04:44 PM']Whereabouts are you, owen? I'm in East London. If it were possible, I'd be very interested in having a look inside the beastie, if only to educate myself properly as to the differences between it and the VA350.[/quote] Up in Bangor, North Wales. Bit of a trek!
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