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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I am deeply grateful for you all piling in on this. The vol/vol option is one which would enable me to go for my 3 knobs + jack socket ideal. If all else fails. All the pots will need to be replaced. The tone ones have extra long shafts because of how the knobs are recessed into the Bongo body. Putting knobs on those through a Stingray plate would make them look like mushrooms. I suspect the control cavity will need to be enlarged and a rear plate put on it. I am too far into the project to back off now! All the pots will be on wires and supporting the boards will be for my (!) luthier to work out. I cannot even put shelves up. Again, thanks all for your contributions.
  2. I have been informed that it was unlikely, but you gave me hope! It was exciting for a bit. It looks like a 4 pot solution instead of a 3 one which is not ideal, but them's the breaks I really do like a front mounted jack socket in a piece of metal.
  3. On YT there are hyper-links to each section of the piece so that you could work on 8 bar sections easily.
  4. You could tune the 'cello in 4ths using these https://www.daddario.com/products/orchestral/cello/helicore-fourths-cello/helicore-fourths-tuning-cello-44-scale-medium-tension-set/ I am fully aware that there are elements of the repertoire which would be tricky, but if you were picking up the 'cello for a side project and wanted that tone without the "Eh? why would you tune in 5ths" moments, they are there.
  5. I can see the use. What would be really useful would be slower versions as well. I could see people using the full speed one for repertoire practice, but they could do that with any recording. However a slower one would enable less experienced players to busk along and get the satisfaction of "playing with an orchestra". To make it really accessible a PDF of the bass part would complete things. I would point out that this is being discussed in the most niche forum on what is already a pretty niche website. I cannot imagine there would be a huge market for it. But I am old and what do I know about the ways of the internet?!?
  6. I am not entirely sure what you just said. But I appreciate that you said it. Would such a pot exist?
  7. I hear you and I agree. We are old.
  8. It is not going to be a Stingray. I am putting Bongo HH pickups and eq in there.
  9. This is part of that process. No point in me thinking about it if the grown ups say that the initial premise is a non starter. I will now go and dig around.
  10. I have this. I do not need it. I do not have to own everything bass.
  11. Aha! Delayed gratification.
  12. I am looking to vol/bal, bass/lo mid, treble/hi mid. This will fit onto a 3 pot MM control plate + jack socket. I could do 4 pots + side jack. But I do like a jack on the front of a bass.
  13. I am about to plumb Bongo electrics into a MM Stingray. When I say I, I mean someone is for me. This will involve routing for alternative pickups and installing the preamp. I originally thought to put new pots on the pre to move to a 3 pot set up. I looked at the pre this morning and realised that it is pots soldered on to the circuit board. Is this a problem for a competent electronics bod or should I leave it as is?
  14. I have downloaded it but not got stuck in yet. It looks like a VERY useful plugin.
  15. 1. Recording to a metronome click is a discipline in itself. Recording to a drum machine pattern which is suitable for the groove you are looking for is MUCH easier. There is so much more information in it. 2. Something is making you hear your part as not right. It is entirely possible that you are not right (sorry, it happens). But it is also ENTIRELY possible that someone else on the track is not right and you are.
  16. It is one gig. 98% of people will not even notice. And the other 2% will say "flats, funky" and then carry on with whatever they were doing. Do it.
  17. I feel obliged to gush every time one of these comes up. This is the absolute sweet spot of cabs. Big enough to actually contend with drummers. Portable enough to make you smile every time you pick it up and transport it. If I was still using cabs I would not even be writing this, I would be PMing Mr Doyle.
  18. Wow, those prices are not static are they!
  19. The real problem is that it is two different mixes happening at the same time and REALLY needs two different people doing it. We run an A&H Qu mixer (what a lovely piece of kit it is) which would enable one hardware mix in the room and one mix on the ipad in another room with isolation from the main room. This super easy until you get to the part of the equation which needs two people who are not already doing something else.
  20. Owen


    A fair question. Thanks. Sadly, my playing these days does not necessitate a hard case so not a huge issue for me. If that world tour does come through, then I will take another bass. I have too many.
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