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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Interesting, but I am afraid that I am after the purity of the wood. I like to follow grain all the way around. I am aware that I need to get out more! But thanks for engaging!
  2. I am deeply grateful for the extensive like-age for my opening post, but would prefer someone to like it enough to buy it!
  3. I can see what you mean, but my experiences of wood/drilling/fitting anything suggest this is a job for someone who has manual dexterity which I do not possess. I could POSSIBLY make one function, but it would not look like it should always have been there. And that would render it useless in my eyes. But thank you for the suggestion.
  4. I am flattered that you even imagine I know what a broaching tool is without having to google it!
  5. Something I did not realise I needed. I cannot help thinking this would make a lovely bass preamp. I could well be wrong though. And massively over the top. I do love my SSL saturator plug in on bass though.
  6. Thanks S'manth. I actually have two pieces of Ebony I have been saving for the right occasion. As well as a piece of Cocobolo for vol and tone knobs. I bought some stock from a guy who inherited some stock from a bagpipe maker so they are old and dry. As a special treat I shall take a pic of them tomorrow.
  7. OK. Thanks, so it is do-able then. I guess I should find someone with a CNC machine.
  8. My daughter has a Faith acoustic. It has lovely wooden machine head ears. It got me thinking. I would love some wooden ones for a couple of basses. In fact I would love some Ebony balls as machine head ears. Obviously, making the balls is a job for someone with a lathe. This is not me. However, mounting them is a bit of a tricky one. I have taken one to pieces and realised that the barrel is going to be a royal pain to mate with the ball. Here is a picture. I am woodwork clueless. Is there any secret way of doing this? The diameter for the curved bit is 4.85mm and diameter for the flat bit is 4.11mm. Obviously if someone were to make these they would measure them themselves properly. But is it possible to machine this sort of shape into wood? I guess some sort of rectangle would work. Am I dreaming madness here?
  9. To play? No issue. To collect? Priced accordingly.
  10. In my experience, the bread and butter session work does NOT want uber chops. They are looking for someone who can sit in and make the whole rhythm section feel good/right/tight. It is like my mate the guitarist who constantly says that strumming acoustic well has been 80% of his session work over the years. The flash stuff is really small. It is the vibe/feel which people want. Any flash stuff will be being recorded by bands full of flash players already.
  11. If you ever need any other friends, drop me a PM.
  12. Ta. Different strokes and all that
  13. Make my day, rell me Pino played live with them!
  14. No one should be playing in thumb position. That is 'cello range. Euch. *controversial*
  15. I might be alone in this, but I have never, ever needed a backup. Don't get me wrong, I have way too many basses but I have never carried two to a gig.
  16. Beautiful I recorded this and whizzed through it today. I really wanted to see The Real Thing and enjoyed them - that was a band who knew how to work an audience. Top pros. Cat Burns was great, and Rachael and Vilray were as good as I hoped. I have been following Rachel with Lake Street Dive for a very long time. She has an absolutely cracking voice.
  17. Hardcore in ways I can only dream of.
  18. Everyone should have a Ukebass. I have been through 4. I do favour the hollow ones for that dull thud I crave. I would love a hollow 5 string fretted one. The guy who built my WeeUB would do me one, but other things would have to be sold. I am considering it though.
  19. We salute you for this and recognise a kindred spirit.
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