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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Some POTUSs considers practicing is for the weak and their talent is bigly enough already.
  2. The stand you are looking for is the corner of the room.
  3. I bought this. My first ever brand new bass. I do like a FSO. But another FSO has made my head snap sideways. I am so tragically bass-fickle, but there are worse weaknesses. This is a US built L1000 with that all important, most important extra string. Just so that we are clear, I care nothing for you opinions that 4 are enough. It weighs 8lbs 8oz and just feels really nice. It does the single pickup FSO thing exceptinally well. It is Leo's last pickup design I do believe. He knew about pickups. If you are looking carefully you will see the red switch of craziness. I am not entirely sure technically what goes on when you hit this, but it is intense and brings joy. In an enhanced LF/Grunt stylee. I have not had it long enough to damage it so it is in virtually perfect nick. Absolute perfection? Nothing ever is. But I cannot find any blems and I am SUPER careful with my kit. Unless it is a relic and then I just do not care. There is a joy in that. But I have cared for this a lot. It also comes with a G&L hard case. I have not used a hard case in any meaningful way since 1989 so it is shiny. It is passive so is, you know, like, real. And yet, the red switch of craziness sends the front end of my preamp into hyperdrive. That with flats sends people into raptures of delight. The body is meant to be scaled up to get the 19mm (or .750" if you are that way inclined) spacing looking fabulous. The body is smaller that my Fender J5. And it is "sling it over you shoulder and play for 3 hours without worrying" light. 8lbs 8oz light. Did I mention that? The older I get, the more interesting those kind of figures look. I could be wrong (my family has suggested that sometimes I am) but I suspect there are very few, if any, others in the UK. I imported it from the US with all the Tax and "strach" (Welsh for hassle) (roll the "r" and gutteral the "ch") that entails. Let my fickleness bring you joy. Given our present government's expertise with leveraging exchange rates and everything else, bringing one of these in would be a cool 2K+. To continue discussing the present government, they are very keen to let the market decide. I bet they are not so keen now but I do not want my thread to be locked before I get anywhere so will not follow that line of thought. I bet they wish they had not either. Anyway, if the market decides I should keep this then I am entirely cool about that as it is proper lush, but I am trying to be rational about how many basses I own. I do not want to get sucked into that particular aesthetic discussion, but this is my favourite version of any of the G&L headstocks. I was going to try and get an off white/cream pickup cover 3D printed. 2002 Owen would be horrified. But hey ho, what did he know? It would look absolutley banging, but that ship has sailed. I am not looking for any trades, but thanks for thinking about it. Having written all that and considered the bass again, I do not really want to sell it. But basses are not Pokemon and I do not gotta catch them all. Ed makes all the sounds and notes happen here. I have embedded it to start when he starts playing. A decent pair of cans or speakers will let you hear what is going on.
  4. It just makes everything chunkier, and phatter, and everythinger. For me. YMMV. It brings the thickness without the harshness.
  5. I REALLY like this https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/44-Saturation/8667-SSL-Native-X-Saturator?utm_campaign=1176311_PB - Thursday NL - 29%2F12%2F2022&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Newsletter&dm_i=6D39,P7NB,2KMPZO,34DE2,1
  6. Raising the bridge. It opened up the bass and really let me dig in. With a lower action it could not give and give and give. With a higher action I could really dig in and know that I would not run out of headroom.
  7. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/462666-thomastik-jr345-5-string-roundwounds-£38/#comment-4833978
  8. Someone is selling barely used TI Jazz Rounds on here. Also you could look at Newtone round core nickels. The round core is more pliable than hex core which is what tends to be the standard core.
  9. This is played on a Sire. I consider it to be a truly fabulous piece of playing and the sound is just right. I am such a bass snob that I had just presumed that it was something fancy cos the guy playing is so clearly very accomplished. Then I clocked the headstock and did a double take. As an aside the whole thing is just fabulous ensemble playing and I suspect the bassist is depping cos there are several things he does when you can see other band members clearly responding with surprised pleasure. The guitar work is also a case study in playing for the song.
  10. I live in Sticksville, so no. But this is BC. Someone will know.
  11. Chuck one of those cheap and cheerful Behringer P2 (or something) headphone amps into it while you are at it. Pedalboards are loads of fun, but one box to do it all is winning.
  12. Far be it for me to tell someone not to buy something new (stop making eyes ar me Neural QC). However, if this works for you then just get it to a pedal repairer, tell them to put it into a more robust box and put a decent power supply solution in it while you are at it. Maybe some switchable FX loops. If it works, don't fix it. But fix it.
  13. That is a sentence which expresses so much in a very small space. I like it.
  14. I have a feeling that plumbing in the Herrick/Lusithand combo is going to be very popular. Will it reach Sue Ryder P bass proportions? Only time will tell.
  15. It is the Y key Hipshots which I have. Super light is lovely, obv, but the accuracy is a beautiful thing.
  16. I have spent lots of time messing with 2nd hand strings. If you anyone is worried abuot the unwinding in the peg box, then a dab of super glue makes everything sound
  17. This is a central theme in all of my technology purchases.
  18. That is an option, but all 4 Reface models in one keybord would be fun.
  19. I totally get the Reface thang. If only they put them all in one 5 octave keyboard I could have a 5 octave with all the sounds I might need but cannot play in any meaningful way.
  20. The concept of not buying blind was for real back in the 70s and 80s when manufacturing tolerances were ..... liberal. By now things are much tighter and I do not worry about it. If you want to try different things, find a Bass Bash. Noodle all day.
  21. Doctor J has been waiting for just the right moment. This thread has clearly hit his sweet spot.
  22. This hardcore stuff is the kind of stuff we need!
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