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Everything posted by Owen

  1. My son is beasting an M1 MB air with 8Gig of RAM. It will be fine and dandy.
  2. Ho hum. I guessed as much, but was willing my ignorance to be hiding magic truths. As ever, it did not.
  3. As this concept has rolled around in my head, I guess the question I am asking is as follows - "If I whack a multimeter accross a pickup will that tell me if it is underwound, overwound or the other wound?". I have pickups I like. If I could buy them again and use them, I would. But that is not an option so I need to see if I can do it differently. Thanks
  4. Why do I have an Ebay saved search? What is wrong with me? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234779745517?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m43.l1120&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=9f386ffd4b7f42c38b00ecb3989b05a6&bu=43179471648&ut=RU&exe=0&ext=0&osub=-1~1&crd=20221115013200&segname=11021
  5. I had a fretted Omni 5 and it was lovely. If I had a brain I would still have it.
  6. Aha! I see what you mean now. Yes, I had a new neck put on it. I was hankering after a 5 so did the rounds of various shops. Frankly I could not match the money being asked for basses with what I was feeling when I played them. So I had a new neck put on the bass I was given for nothing.
  7. Thanks. Making them is not a huge issue, it is the spec which is needing detail put into it.
  8. I have a bass which has 2 x sopabars in it. One J coil and half a P coil in each soapbar. So I can get the best of both worlds. I am not particularly happy with them and fancy different ones. I have a pair of Fralin J5 pickups in another bass which are very lovely indeed. I approached Fralin to ask if they would do me a pair of similar soapbars but they are not set up to do it. Which is fair enough. So how do I work out what is going on in my Fralins so that I can get something similar made? They were 2nd hand on here many years ago so there is no chance I can work out exactly what they are (5% underwound, normal, 10% overwound etc). Can I strap a multimeter across them and deduce what is going on in them? I am clearly utterly clueless here. TIA
  9. I agree, no need to gild that Lilly.
  10. I had one of those when they came out. I got a truly spectacular sound out of it. Then I looked for another sound and NEVER got the original one again. I was so frustrated I flogged it. But did make a £200 profit on it, so don't feel bad for me.
  11. I am not qualified to offer any opinion. But I feel your pain. That must have been super frustrating.
  12. I was hoping for 55, but sadly that has been and gone. Sorry if someone has made this joke already.
  13. Thanks, all my other 3rd parties were where I expected (bottom of the list) but this one was AWOL. The software company came back and told me to "Please restart the computer, launch Logic and "Reset & Rescan Selection" for the plugin in Logic's Plug-in Manager to validate." and then the magic happened. Interestingly, the tick box to use it was not ticked. I ticked it, reset them all and the magic happened. Thanks (as usual) everyone for your input.
  14. Logic 10.7.1 Big Sur I will have to hunt for the plug-in sub-menus cos I have not looked (and did not know to do so). I am presuming it is the 64bit version because there was only one option. Thank you
  15. The £ is probably sinking as I type this.
  16. If only I could get Logic to recognise it. I have done what I do with all plugins, and done the iLok thang but it is just not showing up after I reboot Logic. Ho hum. Any ideas?
  17. No worries. I did the 14 day free trial but could not load it without a code. Then I figured that £17.41 was not a bank breaker.
  18. The line is behind you.
  19. My DB was originally a 3 string which made a succseful journey through 4dom to 5dom. You are not wrong about my NS! The only problem with it was that I stopped travelling far enough to make carrying my DB an issue so stopped using the NS. Overseas gigs - those were the days
  20. While considering selling my Stymon Big Sky and buying the plugin, I ran into this. It looks like it wants to be a Big Sky when it grows up. I have no idea how it compares but the reviews look good and it is 10% of the price of the Blue Sky plugin at the moment. https://joeysturgistones.com/collections/mixing-effects/products/jst-sky-box
  21. While we are discussing it, different strings make a HUGE difference. I had a pupil who had one with ******** strings on it. I honestly cannot remember what they were, but they were proper Arco classical strings and the warm tone could have solved the national heating crisis we are running into. Sadly, DB strings are mind bendingly expensive so experimenting is very scary. NS stuff come with NS strings which are great for what they do but seem like long flatwound bass guitar strings. DB strings are made very differently.
  22. All the detail. We are here to learn.
  23. But seriously, I used to have 5 string CR one. Just fabulous.
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