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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Retro169 on FB will do a lovely job for you and his prices will not make you want to cry.
  2. I had one of these boxes but the 6x10 version. It did it all. With aplomb.
  3. It is obvious. Different ones for different outfits.
  4. Yeah! Why spend all that on scented candles when you can smell yourself for free?
  5. I was wondering how many post in I would have to go before the TAB/Notation thing happened
  6. I recognise their lushness. If only my hearing was healthy enough to be in situations where I could use them.
  7. This is what I thought, but it does not. It does on the other forum I waste time do research on with no problem. I had often wondered how to make it work.
  8. Ain't THIS the truth I am happily running a QSC 10" wedge at the moment - having said that, my days of fighting with drummers or the Guitarmagreddon are over. But you are clealry part of a concerted effort to get me to buy the Powersoft and Greenboy setup the For Sale pages are offering me.
  9. As the number 1 editor of posts due to typing and CBA proof reading, is there any way that Grammarly can actually work on here? It would save my lazy backside.
  10. What GremlinAndy said. But I would add, I want this and I have no possible use for it. These are where it is at.
  11. Yep I am running Logic and I have a couple of Waves plug ins. I just fancied putting stuff I had recorded through an amp to try and get a more holistic sound, so that the nuances (but not deliberate) in my playing would be normalised.
  12. Lots of big cabs give a kind of OOOOOMPH which small clever cabs with super efficient speakers cannot. The most exciting notes I played were through an EV1516 paired with a Warwick 6x10. All sorts of multiple speaker mismatching going on. It was just a solid wall of warmth. Not the volume, just that much air moving. 2 x 2x15 cabs in tandem would be lovely.
  13. Very dissapointing that this did not resolve itself by buying new kit.
  14. Interesting to listen to Joe's (1st name terms) sound in the 1st 10 seconds.
  15. Thanks both, just as well that the Radial ProRMP studio reamp box went above my maximum bid!
  16. Thanks. I guessed as much, but my guessing has historically been flaky
  17. I have some stereo Neutrik jack plugs from the days I used to run balanced lines out of my Mackie desk on jack sockets. I no longer need these. Can I reuse the plugs and ignore one of the tags so that I can wire ordinary instrument leads in mono?
  18. Good plugins are lush. But I do not have them. I suppose I could spend the money on plugins instead of a Re-amp box. However, I just fancy trying it. The Radial stuff look fine and dandy. I can see the playing through an amp to get that interaction while recording thing as well. However, I am a bodging guitarist at best and have to glue together so many takes to get a passable sounding track that making my wife listen to 3 hours of loud amp would go down like a bucket of cold sick.
  19. Is anyone, and if so what are you using? I can cobble together a guitar part in logic but it would be nice to give it an amp sheen. TIA
  20. I sold a bass to Norway (hi if you are reading this). Customs in Norway told me that CITIES said they could destroy the bass if I could not prove it was the right sort of Ebony. I don't think I have ever spontaneously sweated like that before. I eventually proved that it was the right sort of Ebony, but that is the last time I will do that. On a side note the courier managed to break the bass, but the insurance coughed up full whack eventually.
  21. I am hugely looking forward to seeing him in London with his own band on May the 25th. I do realise that this is a thread hijack. But I do not care and it will be back on track before we know it.
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