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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Good bows are like crack cocaine. Once you go there, there is no turning back.
  2. Lots of really good things going on there. I could feel right at home with that.
  3. I was wondering how they were shaping up in the wild. When you say whole board replaced, what did it replace? Does it do synthy stuff? Decent OC2 kind of thing? Is there a community for sharing captured preamps? The one preamp I miss is not one I could capture myself now. I have been VERY close to buying a Strymon Big Sky to access the chorale settings to use with bowed harmonics on a DB. Would the QC oblige? So many questions, but you did lay yourself open to it.
  4. I have a QSC10 at home and access to QSC12s at work. If I was going to fight with a drummer I would borrow a 12 from work.
  5. I know earlier on I was fed up with the Pluggable box, but it turned out that I had a duff HDMI lead so that has made things a lot easier.
  6. Portability is a very attractive thing I am running a MBP with a "Pluggable" box which is enabling a twin monitor set up. It is slightly flaky with USB peripherals which means an element of unplugging and plugging in again, but for me it is worht the faff.
  7. The M1 Mac Mini is bigger and harder than an M1 Air. Don't let me stop you buying new kit, but the Air is a tiny downgrade from the M! (IIRC). And connectivity will mean buying a hub as well. An M1 Air will happliy run Logic and you can have a lovely time, but it will not be "better".
  8. Owen

    Owen - Feedback

    You can never have too many of th...... actually, you can!
  9. I am not being contraversial, I am asking for info. What is the best measurment?
  10. Owen

    Less is more

    Full rig for this evening in the boot of a mini. QSC K110, Sadowsky and Vong pedalboard, and Kala Ubass. Thumpy goodness and almost flute levels of cartage.
  11. TC Spectracomp. Any small format pedal tuner. £100 max. Small enough to put on a small kitchen chopping board and slip into the front of your gig bag. You can always flog them for what you paid if you want to get more creative - so it is cost neutral to experiment. Compressors have always confused me. I know what they do, but setting them is beyond me The toneprint software lets me cycle through loads of presets using my phone passing some squeaky noise through the pickups. I like it so much I own three - one as an always on in Church, one on my pedalboard and one set up in front of my home recording set up. For me, Multi FX just give me so many options I get paralysed and never use them.
  12. https://thebassgallery.com/collections/bass/products/shuker-custom-semi-acoustic-fretless-5-string
  13. Finding a few spare hours to run through a set up video with a bass in front of me is on my slightly fuzzy, mental wish-list but it keeps getting knocked down by life. This one looks good for starters. Any other suggestions?
  14. Every time I try to do anything further than intonation and setting saddles without buzz, I have to pay someone to do it properly. One day I shall pay someone to teach me. I would pay someone to give some of my basses a general, good set up, but there is no one local I trust. I understand that it is easy. It is not easy for me.
  15. I would be all over that like a bad rash.
  16. I think in some ways we do, but you have managed to flog all your bass guitars. I have just ordered yet another one.
  17. Oh, absolutely, but back in the day D&B were using DSP, and Mackie where whacking drivers and amps into cabs. Now DSP is the norm. If you handed present day mid range stuff to bods in the early year of this century then there would be jaws dropping right left and center. I am not saying that today's £1k 15"+horns are right up there, but they have to be 80% of the way there.
  18. I like the way he is covering his right hand so we cannot cop his speed techniques
  19. The best sound I ever got was through a couple of d&b Audio 12" cabs. It was astonishing. Headroom for days. We pushed them harder and they just got louder. I was hammering my bottom B on my DB. Now, for the money they cost, they should sound good. But this was 17 years ago, so the middle end of the market has to have caught up with what the grown ups were doing 17 years agao.
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