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Everything posted by Owen

  1. It is a taste thing. My taste has improved over the last 20 years as well!
  2. The 745 without subs get a lot of love.
  3. It is now fully strung after Luke failed to follow through on his promise to buy it with one less string.
  4. That looks like a tight bridge spacing. I have only played one Aria from that era. A student brought it in to work. It was his dad's and clearly loved by all the family. I was intrigued because I had never seen one close up. I could not get it back in the case quickly enough after making some polite chatter about it. The bridge spacing was (for me) extraordinarily wrong. Just astoninishingly so.
  5. Sometimes your 3rd and 4th fingers on your plucking hand wave around a lot. If you put a pencil in your palm and hold it with your 3rd and 4th fingers it lets your 1st and 2nd fingers get on with the job.
  6. Lovely. Enough usable clean and quiet gain to use an RE20 or an SM7B without an external preamp.
  7. Thanks Caleb, these look really useful. I would love to give you more suggestions, but these will keep me busy for longer than I want to admit to myself, let alone anynone else.
  8. Bottom B is good. Bottom A is better. I have a D tuner on all my 5 strings. I even had one on the 6 string tuned to bottom F#. So I could reach super bottom E.
  9. If you want a nice amp, far be it from me to stop you However, an Alto claiming to be all that and more at that price is on a hiding to nothing.
  10. Mind you, the back of mine had seen quite a lot of non-Tele action before I did the tummy cut.
  11. The IP112 would be superb for this sort of duty. The IP310 was backline par-excellence!
  12. I have a Tele which made me appreciate a belly cut. I had someone put a belly cut into it. I get the whole forearm cut but that would make a real mess of the paint and I have not actually noticed that I need one now the belly cut is in place.
  13. Bergantino IP series. Quite old hat by now due to not being made out of helium. But just a FABULOUS piece of kit. Or buy a decent 12" active wedge. By decent I mean £500+. And useful for all sorts of things as well as Bass
  14. That is what I suspected. By now I could live with the Peaveys shortcomings.
  15. That is a long wait. Decades ago I had a Peavey Midibass. I wish I still had it. On the midi front it was superb. It sucked deeply as a bass guitar. I would love one of these.
  16. Bending notes totally works. Just for me, feeling the winds move over the fret was a strange feeling. But that was just my left hand's experience.
  17. There is a weakness in your argument here, but your enthusiasm cannot be faulted. Do you work for the present UK government?
  18. I am on a quest for one bass to rule them all. It has been a long quest. On this quest I bought a Sklar Dingwall. There were lots of great things about, amongst which was a neck profile which REALLY did it for me. But I discovered that I like to do side to side vibrato. I knew that I do it, but had not realised how much. The roundwounds moving across the frets was a total sensory non starter for me. Very odd.
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