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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I believe that they are 2 humbuckers. Volume/Pan/Treble/Mid/Bass. I am in Bangor, North Wales.
  2. Mr Ferg00se, we have been expecting you It is sitting here wagging it's tail happily waiting for you.
  3. Cabled hearing loops are comedy gold for unexplained feedback.
  4. It might be tempting to use one of those doobries which enables you to run multiple monitors. I am running one with an M1 MBP. When it works it is great. It does not work all the time and I have to unplug and plug stuff multiple times. So that is a non starter.
  5. You will be getting quite the monitor for £500!
  6. Some pieces of kit make strange noises when connected to stuff if they are not on. Is it to do with earthing? Dunno.
  7. I listed in 2 places once. It did not go well. The listing police were all over me like a bad rash. It was an NS fretted Omni Bass so I thought the bass guitar and the DB forums were fair game. Do it anyway.
  8. I am trying to work out how to get wear by the scratchplate there.
  9. Lots of good things in one place there.
  10. I hate managing files on an iPad. It is just SUCH a pain. Files on OSX? I have never, ever even thought about it.
  11. It does look like a cracking project though!
  12. It should all be in one place so that I can feel properly inadequate about my skillset without having to browse through multiple forums!
  13. I am not sure how I feel about wandering into a forum I don't come to as often and finding this juicy project. Are there others in here? Should they all not be in the Build Diaries forum? How can I be expected to keep track of EVERYTHING like this?
  14. On loud stages I have had the front of my DB acting like a large microphone and could clearly hear the kick drum through my monitor even though it was not being sent there. So the instrument creates sets of problems before it even gets to amplification. I used to get all fussy about DB specific amps, but an Fdeck or a Vong HPF, both of which have a nice high impedance input sorts all that stuff out. A decent HPF sorts out nearly all the problems. The thud all we DB players crave does not really happen in the lower reaches of LF so a cab which does not actually go all the way down there is often better. The nicest not stupidly heavy cab I ever had was an ACME 12". It was bigger than your average 12 and that really let the speaker breathe. The nicest one of all was my Berg IP310 - but I could go on about that forever.
  15. I have a set of roundwound Kala strings for a Ubass. If anyone is looking for some.
  16. I was just thinking about grifters........
  17. It went for £10500 + whatever the hammer fee etc will be. Prob another 25%ish
  18. mutter.........mutter....talks to himself.....mutter.....must not derail thread........mutter...I will get banned.......mutter
  19. I cannot deny that I am fighting with myself to not buy it and get it refinished in reliced Sonic Blue with a matching headstock.
  20. https://www.sustainiac.com/st-pro.htm says they can accomodate Bass guitars, But the page looks like it has been untouched since 199HTML so I have no idea if it is a thing or not.
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