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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I think sticking to an original design which works is a good thing. There is no denying where it came from. Getting something which is not run of the mill but that also is not "did they design that in the dark?" is a fine line. And this is on the good side. And painting it blue makes it proper lush
  2. I hummed and hahed about a restricted view table but figured that the hassle it will take me to get there and the amount of decent gigs I actually get to see due to living in Sticksville meant I pushed the boat out and hope to recoup the cost of the extra 2 tickets. Your drummer friend has excellent taste. But then so does Nate (1st name terms). I saw the band last time around and have never witnessed such ensemble playing in any genre, anywhere.
  3. I am under no misconception that someone is going to offer a pre CBS strat for this. I am looking for a functioning Squier or something.
  4. Yeah, my use of "tone" to refer to the sound I am enjoying was poorly thought out!
  5. I am 87.93% sure this is a Jackson Kelly KE3, but am open to correction. I am looking to trade this with an electric guitar which is not going to give me a migraine when I try and set it up. It comes with a new set of strings but they are in the package so unused. It has seen some action and needs some TLC but it will be really good for METAAAAAAAAAL!!!!!! (read in a high voice with wide vibrato)(You just did. I know it.). Locking trem, Seyomour Duncans and a kill switch. This guitar will do it all. I have nothing specific in mind, I will wait to see what is offered. If anything is.
  6. It is because you do not have to be a "player" to play there. People are offering their ability as a service to the church. And the reality is that most people in the congregation are blissfully unaware that the music is not 100% "on it". Don't get me wrong, I have lost about 2mm of my teeth through grinding them while thinking "Why are you doing that? Can you not hear that it is not working?"
  7. Smartarse and useless answer. The kidz love that stuff and spend hours working towards it.
  8. I would go to Catswhiskers pickups, explain what you want an he will do it. Pickups from across the pond are lovely, but physics is physics, magnets are magnets and wire is wire.
  9. Maybe they heart LF and just want to support us.
  10. There is a LOT to be said for stepping back from the ravenous jaws of the internet.
  11. I knew you knew! But I think that the actual YT account is where the $$$ happens. Having said that, I do not know if the podcast ads generate $$$ as well. You know what? He will be happy that he just has another listener
  12. To prove I am down with the latest tech I just need to make sure that it is the You Tube channel you have subscribed to (I know you are rolling your eyes at me!) . That is what enables him to actually monetise it - so vulgar, but we all need to eat. Ta. Among his list are Clem Cattini, Dr Gadd, 10cc's drummer, Don from Slade and a host of others who I had no idea about but were a really good listen.
  13. We know that our natural allies are drummers. I have an aquaintance who is doing zoom drum interviews. Not just anyone mind you. He is talking to drum royalty again and again. To make YT actually pay you need a minimum of 1000 subscribers. He has 908. Like many musicians, he has a year and a half of virtually no paying gigs. Help a brother out for no cost to you by hitting that subscribe button. And enjoy a normal bloke interviewing people in a very natural way. His two part thing with Slade's drummer is a classic amongst many others. Just talking to the players rather than the hype machine. https://www.youtube.com/c/NorthWalesDrumPromotions
  14. Thanks. This again confirms what I have suspected. Every day is a school day
  15. This is the post which means the magic has happened. Thanks everyone for your contributions.
  16. I put the last picture in in case anyone wanted to see what was behind the bass. It is made by a superb craftsman who also makes guitars which are lush. Sadly, I cannot remember who he is.
  17. Sorry. We finished in Next and then on the way home we decided to go to our favourite Chinese restaurant for a meal. Cos we are crazy and spontaneous like that. We then got home to a leaking washing machine. What a day!
  18. Am now in TK Maxx carpark and then have a visit to Next. No one should be holding their breath.
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