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Everything posted by Owen

  1. The feedback could have been due to setup issues. I am not saying that Bose is prone to feedback. It is not.
  2. Bose kit is a lot of fun but there are WAY better options for the money. Get him to take them back asap.
  3. And I imagine the same goes for bad bassists.
  4. Life is too short to play with bad drummers regularly.
  5. Lots of Shaper Origin action going on there!
  6. The 4 hour drive thing seems to be a bit of a theme here. Lee just did a 4 hour drive to buy a bass from me. He was happy, I was happy. There was much happiness.
  7. Looking at pictures I was thinking tighter rather than broader.
  8. Sold. It was fun. Thanks for the interest.
  9. Ta. My world will keep turning if I do not hear within the next 5 minutes
  10. Can any owners give me an idea on string spacing at the bridge? Ta.
  11. I have the Neunaber and use it on a duo gig on DB bowing harmonics. Watching my producer mate in the front row do a double take as he tried to work out where the "3rd" player was was joyful.
  12. 1. Soloing the bridge pickup give better clarity on harmonics. 2. A shimmer effect from a reverb pedal (Nunaber make a lovely one).
  13. I suspected that we should not have let the Canadians have you. I was correct.
  14. I have a Sage Green NYC Sadowsky PJ5 in a Jazz shaped body. https://www.sadowsky.com/past/view/5325.html. As you can see from the pics, the original plate is tort, but I had a white one made. Obv, both will ship with it. It has the Sadowsky case and gubbins. The zip is not quite attached for about an inch around the far back end of it. However, I have always carried it in a gig bag so I have not thought twice about that. I think that the picture with the white guard is the best representation of the colour. The plastic cover is still on the control plate so you can pretend it is brand new and peel it off. There is also a kind of plastic square on the back, presumably for buckle protection. It was there when I got it. I am not one for peeling protective plastic off! There is a tiny ding by the jack socket - close to the Bass and Treble dual concentric. I had forgotten it, but it is there. The rest is peachy. It is very lovely but I am not reaching for it. In an attempt to downsize my excessive collection of basses I am selling some. It is all you would expect a Sadowsky to be. Given that I have more basses than I need, I am not looking for trades - but thanks for thinking about it. Price is shipped with full insurance.
  15. Sadly, I want to book further ahead than their website will let me. But I am making a 3.5 hour train journey down there and want to make sure I get the best table possible. Which I would if I could actually get some sort of response from them
  16. I am going to a gig in the Jazz Cafe at the end of May. I want to book a table to eat cos I am too knackered to do the standing thing and I love food. Can I get through to anyone by email, phone of FB? Can I heck. Does anyone have any tips about how I book a table?
  17. He clearly has chops to burn. I would love to be able to play like that but I cannot even think that fast let alone make my fingers move under command that fast. He knows that people will be checking him out. So I am watching it and thinking "some of those string bends are not translating to what I am hearing". I am aware that this sounds like some overweight never-was, who generally has to correct his own spelling, on an internet forum saying "yeah, not all that mate". But that is not my point. He clearly is all that, so why not get a video together which is real?
  18. My OW 6 has come back from Mr OW. So it is time for this to leave the building.
  19. That fingerboard is quite something. In a good way.
  20. I totally get the D stop thing. I had an NS5 and barely moved around because I did not have that physical reference point. https://gollihurmusic.com/ sell a stick on one which solved all my problems. This does not solve the external bars issue, but it is a start. I was ok without the external bars once I got the D stop.
  21. And why would it be fabulous? It is just a stick of wood (or Carbon Graphite) with hair on it. But there it is, lovely bows make lovely tone and articulation SO much easier. Then of course there is the rosin question................................
  22. I play German. When I was in my late teens it was a HUGELY important topic. Now I could not care less. The only important thing about bowing is the fact that the more expensive the bow, the easier it is to play. We kid ourselves this is the same with Bass Guitars. That is not true. Any decently set up Bass Guitar will be just fine and dandy. Sure, we all have slightly different preferences, but they are just planks with metal in them. Playing with a really good bow is bonkers. Everything just works. Sadly, when I say a really good bow I mean north of £5K and probably north of £10K. Yes, there are plenty of good bows around for less, but once you have played with a really good one, everthing else is a bit of a let down. Just for reference, I do not have a really good bow.
  23. If you live in North Wales and speak Welsh, this is side spilttingly funny. Otherwise, not so much.
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