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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I have one of these and love it. I have no pickup recommendations. But I have been playing through a Sadowsky outboard preamp recently and LOVE what it does to my basses. A Sadowsky onboard is a good shout. YMMV.
  2. To drag this back on topic, I bought a trashed 66J in 1987 just because it looked like Jaco's bass. I had no idea of it's historical "value" I just knew it looked (and still looks) uber cool. Do I sound like Jaco? Not even remotely
  3. Actually, he was . My brother has a 4 track recording of a gig he played locally on reel to reel somewhere. It is probably knackered by now.
  4. I do not need a new J5. I do not need a new J5. However, I have just sent a bass through Overlandexpress fully insured for £50ish. Way cheaper than Interparcel.
  5. Or Jools Holland. Or Endaf Emlyn, or Geraint Jarman or Myfyr Issac. Pino was active on the Welsh Language scene a long time before he hit the bright lights. We have been enjoying him a lot longer than anyone else. We discovered him. Between him, Gareth Edwards and Aneurin Bevan we have a rightful claim to world domination.
  6. Hey y'all. No, I do not have "lack of practice" blisters (even though I deserve them). I seem to have a very small lump across the palm side of my top joint in my plucking index finger. It is on the bone. And when I drag it across a string, for pizz, it hurts. It hurts in a way that makes me think "this is unattractive" and makes me want to make it not hurt. This requires not playing. Obviously, I am not going to take medical advice from an internet forum, much as I love you people. However, does this ring any bells with anyone? It will have a bit of a long term effect on my DB playing if it does not behave. I am thinking some sort of arthritis-y thang. Fortunately, my sister and her husband are GPs so I can get informed opinion on the very lamest medical situations. Any thoughts? In other news, I have taken a choir/orchestra gig playing Vivaldi’s Gloria and the first half of the Messiah in 4 weeks. I will be hurting in all sorts of ways. I have not used a bow in anger in ………..many, many years, and actually maintaining a properly functioning left hand to play all that classical stuff in tune is going to be a rude awakening I am expecting pain there, but I know what that is.
  7. I was worried that you had left the country with the spoils.
  8. Sorry, I might have not explained myself well there. The 66J is sunburst, but not for sale. If I was not a sentimental fool I should sell the 66 and keep the Bravewood. But I am a sentimental old fool. But the Bravewood is just as good as it.
  9. .........but the fretted is still here.
  10. 11/2 on Hey Ya is stretching the point somewhat. I can see how he gets there, and it is one way of looking at it, but still.........
  11. That's the real thing happening, right there.
  12. That is a beautiful L1000 you have got there. I played it at a bass bash and got quite emotional about it!
  13. Thanks Jezza. I just did a trial price with overlad and it was 50% cheaper fully insured. I just need to get my cardboard wrapping done now!
  14. Buy it, USB/MIDI it into Logic, and sequence your own drum parts. Take back control of the rhythm section. With the £350 you save from not buying drum loop packs you can fund new basses instead. Sorry, am I taking this analogy too far?
  15. Rats, I guessed as much. Even though a hard case is packaging. I used to keep a proper, full on, heavier than a small house, flightcase just for these moments. I am not sure why I got rid of it. Probably me thinking my days of buying and selling were over. Pretty naive, huh?
  16. Hi all, I am shiping a bass in a Hiscox case. You know the ones. I am entirely happy that it will protect the bass. However, if UPS manage to drive a fork lift truck over it and damage it, are they going to throw a hissy fit and tell me that it was not double packed and therefore is invalid for an insurance claim? Thanks y'all.
  17. If I were to do it again, I would have had a pair of ACS plugs 35 years ago. I did not. It was never going to happen to me. It did. I would happily gig with a mid level Yamaha for all those years and not spent on all those basses (and probably should have). I should have bought a set with the money I did not spend and I could be gigging now. I cannot. Not in any meaningful way. I have a fretless I cannot play beause I cannot pitch properly without hearing it properly. I cannot play without earplugs. Complicated improvised ensemble work? Those were the days. These days? Nope. £135 for a set of moulded plugs BEFORE there is an issue is something I get to regret not doing every day. I KNOW you did not ask about moulded plugs. I cannot think of any reason not to have them. I wish I did not know this.
  18. I glanced at the picture and saw racing stripes for a moment. That was exciting.
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