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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I glanced at the picture and saw racing stripes for a moment. That was exciting.
  2. Sadly there is not that level of energy involved Attacking the reflective surfaces would mean curtaining 30m x 25m on both sides. It could get spendy. We have had mics in the past which have been fine so I am just going to try another headset I honestly cannot remember what the headset is, probably Proel cheap and cheerful. The problem really is that the mic is actually sitting, perhaps, 3cm from the ear. For broadcast it would be fine and dandy, but for live sound it is proving to be less than useful. The AKG is digital. We used to use a lav set up but the headmic gave us a much better signal level. Thanks, the headset looks great but I would have trouble plugging it into the radio transmitter I have just bought another cheap and cheerful Proel head mic, but one with a much longer arm. We shall see. Thanks y'all.
  3. I have played this very bass. It is the ABSOLUTE bomb.
  4. It's weird, isn't it. When they came out, with all that hardware, I thought "hmmmmm...looks a bit industrial". Now I think "get a load of THAT!".
  5. I am sad but not despondent. Shiny is halfway there.
  6. If these are customs I am going to be VERY disappointed if there is not metal flake action.
  7. Too shiny for me. I have shiny. Now I need knackered. Need is not necessarily being used for it's true meaning here.
  8. You can check out, but you can never leave.
  9. Fretless is gone...........
  10. Just done some soundclips if anyone wants them. Some one remind me why I am selling these. They are doing all I want. Other than those low notes
  11. Fretless is a 64 one. Bare Knuckle pickups. Ebony Board Fretted is 62. Again, with Bare Knuckle pickups.
  12. Not yet, but will do some. I will not post them up here but do them in a PM. The world does not need to hear my fretless playing!
  13. You mean the fretless with the Ebony board? Yep, it is a nice one.
  14. The fretless has come out more "blue" than it is in real life. It is a much more delicate shade.
  15. The only trade I would be interested in would be a 5 string Bravewood Jazz. And we all know that they do not exist
  16. I have 2 Bravewood Jazz basses. They are lovely. I also have a 66J. They are as lovely as that one. If I played 4 stringers I would keep them. I have come to the conclusion that I will never reach for a 4 string when I have a 5 string option. So I would be keeping the Bravewoods just to look at them. Don't misunderstand me, I AM that shallow, but I am trying to be realistic. I could go on and on, but they are what they are. Proper lush. That is what they are. Obv it is £1.5K each. Just incase anyone gets excited.
  17. In my situation, I am struggling to get enough gain before feedback. I am cutting frequencies but having to cut too much for clarity. It is possible that it would work well in another situation. However, for mine it is not so great.
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