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Everything posted by Owen

  1. BAN THIS SICK FILTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a joke. Sometimes it is pick o'clock and I will use a pick.
  2. I am using a head mic for the preacher in Church. The actual mic is not really pushing past the middle of their left cheek. This does not make for a really good sound source. Can anyone suggest what the good ones which do not cost hudereds are? It is going into a decent AKG Transmitter/Receiver so that is not the issue. TIA
  3. Mine is beginning to get to a stage where I am wondering about making significant changes. I do not want to make significant changes, but I am wondering if I have a choice. It is getting worse. It is in no way life changingly bad, but I can see reaching a stage where I would change things in retrospect, and it makes sense to actually make the changes now.
  4. Modern PA speakers have all sorts of jiggery-pokery going on in the backround. This is why they are lovely. My ears are too trashed to do loud anymore. I own a QSC K10.2. It goes all the way to the bottom and is very pokey. It is the future. If I needed more then I would borrow two QSC K12.2. I cannot imagine ever, ever needing more unless I was doing a large, open air gig with no PA support. And that is never going to happen. We have arrived in the future.
  5. I played a CLF L1000 in the Bass Bash a few weeks ago. It was exceptionally fine. All that chromage is yummy.
  6. Some people do not deserve nice things!
  7. Thanks WHUFC. There will be very little DIY happening, but what builders recommend is often what they have in stock or already know so we are looking for the correct ideas rather than what is right for the builder.
  8. There will be recorder lessons as well. The roof is board and felt.
  9. The instruments being taught will be piano and violin. There will be no rock and roll volume happening. It is in a residential area and the sound treatment is to minimise sound leakage which would disturb neighbours.
  10. I have a friend who needs to convert a garage to give music lessons. There will be no drums so there is no need for super soundproofing. Can I share a plan and ask for advice?
  11. I think it is a Maholo, yes. Mine was obviously built on a different day from your's This one is all good and Jez did add the finishing touches.
  12. I bought this new as a 5 string Uke. I have always wanted to try the super short scale thing. I put proper machine heads on it because the originals were made of cheese. You can see the origianal screw holes. Jez (Jabba_the_gut)(he is a wood whisperer) did all the hardcore woodwork which needed doing to turn it into a properly functioning instrument. The reality is that a 21" scale length is just too short for the B to work. But I had to try. If you fancy a 5 string strung E to C at proper bass pitch, then this is it. If you fancy one of those new fangled octave up basses strung B to G then this is it. It is properly set up and is frankly a lot of fun as well as sounding like a proper bass - until you get to the bottom B. It has the same preamp as it originally had when it was a 5 string Bass Uke. Vol/bass/mid/treble. The vol has a center detent in it. Crazy. Fancy it you know you do!
  13. I am very far from being an expert. But in my experience if a piece of kit is not turned on it can have the buzz thing happening. Also induction loops sometimes do very weird things. I do not know if either of these are involved.
  14. I had forgotten about the side jack aspect. That does change things. The shodiest piece of work I ever had done was a side jack on a MONSTEROUSLY expensive custom I had had made for me. I took it to the local guitar shop for a side jack to be installed. "How difficult can it be to do a tidy and aesthetically pleasing job?" I thought. Too difficult for the bodger masquerading as a tech. And when it was done, there was nothing I could do to rectify it. I am still angry when I think about it.
  15. I have people to do that for me. As in, my tech abilities are zero so I do not even try. I had an Audere once with the variable impedance switch. It did something bonkers to the pickups. In a good way. Should I have left that bass as it was? Absolutely.
  16. I have recently been messing with Sadowsky preamps and have found them very pleasing. They do a drop in Jazz plate.
  17. This gives my dream of being a luthier wings.
  18. You are a bad man. On reflection I would probably pickup a tribute 2nd hand and mash that (including smoothing off that headstock). I could even have it painted as a relic! Now I am excited! I could even have it done in blue sparkle and have a suite of Basses by Leo in the same colours.
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