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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Basses come, basses go. The one there is not, the chase only there is. If you will always reach for the MM then the other two are not going to be used. Flog them (or trade - better VFM) and get another MM as a backup. >I know it's subjective, and could be a sprawling, non-sensical ramble, but that's BassChat isn't it? Ain't THAT the truth. In 40 years of playing I have NEVER been asked "Do you have another bass to try for a different flavour" in a band or in a session. I am sure those situations exist but I have not seen it. For my personal satisfaction, yes. To the rest of the world a bass is a bass.
  2. Yes. If it is in one ear and is there because of playing volume then you can protect the other ear. This is big AND clever. Do it now. Or kick yourself in 4 years time.
  3. Sometimes you will get tempted to throw caution to the wind and play without earplugs. In the moment it is great. Afterwards it is not. And afterwards lasts much longer than the moment.
  4. If you have a digital desk it might multitrack to a HD. I know the A&H stuff does, as do some of the Behringers and many others. By doing that, you can record a service and then practice mixing for a live stream.
  5. There goes my chance of picking it up for a pittance
  6. I am glad you remembered, cos I had forgotten!!!
  7. I started on cello when I was 8. I did not hit the DB until 15. I taught cello for 12 years after leaving Uni. Going from 4ths to 5ths was OK for a long time. But the less I did it, the harder it became. It makes my head melt now.
  8. I am certain it is not that. Otherwise it would be on my MM. I am sorry. This makes both of us sad.
  9. The D'addario 'Helicore Fourths' made for DB tuning are tensioned properly for the tuning they will be in. They will be an octave higher. GJazzer, I know you already know this, I am just clariyfying it for the thread. You will need a different bow but you will be ASTONISHED at how much easier it is to draw a note out of a cello with a bow. I looked into it once but never actually did it.
  10. I should have said " I have lost way more than the full purchase price of this bass on many basses I have sold on during my long and glorious record of buying and selling basses".
  11. I believe every 3 years is the refresh rate. I have just had a new set and can feel the difference.
  12. If it is any comfort to you the 6 is heavier again!
  13. Different coloured! Genius! In 3 years time when I get my next ones I will be doing that. As an aside, I use one to sleep. Not for any tinnitus reasons, just because I have realised that I am monitoring sounds in my sleep and if they are not there I sleep better. I often wake up 8 hours later in the same position. Unless I have had to get up to go to the toilet - but that is for another thread.
  14. We all know these are not filled with helium!
  15. I just played it now. It is a fine, fine axe. Bit sad to sell it really.
  16. The best advice I could give is accept it and make sure you do not give a chance to get any worse. Proper earplugs are imperative.
  17. Tell me more about the setup course.
  18. I have played many, many nice basses. I have owned many nice basses. I once bought a 6 string version of this. It was sublime. But it made my head go mushy. I sold it. However, I did promise myself to buy a 5 string when one appeared. Between this appearing and selling the original 6, another 6 appeared. I was ashamed that I did not actually practice on the original 6 so bought the 2nd 6. The original 6 was set up by Overwater. It was sublime. I had the 2nd 6 set up locally and it was just not right. I wanted to send it to OW but Covid, so I gave up on it. Then this appeared. I had it. It did all I expected it to. If it was made in the US we would be laying eggs with excitement about them. Then OW got in touch with me and said they would take my 2nd 6 in and make it lush. Change preamp to OW instead of what someone had put in, new pickups (one was only operating half a coil - or something technical) , set up bottom F# to G. Yummy. I am going to practice and make it work. This leaves me with 2 OW monster basses. This is a definitive 1st world problem. If this was the only OW I had I would keep it. A multi laminate, through neck 36" scale makes B strings do delicious things. However, I do not need 2 of them. And lockdown has increased my stock of basses and something has to give. It is whisper quiet. Wenge facings (I think). It sounds just right. There are a few dings on it (as shown). But it is a BEAST. The price is firm and includes shipping in a HSC (not original - Yamaha as it happens). Price includes shipping. No trades, no offers. But thanks for thinking about them. Worth it, you know you are.
  19. Get ACS plugs. Get coloured ones. They are easier to find when you drop them. Get them on strings so you will drop them less. Coloured ones do not show ear wax like the clear ones do. When you get the moulds done ask for the things which wedge your mouth open. You get a better seal. My tinnitus rolled into permanence in a quiet harp, piano and EUB rehearsal You will get used to it. Regret is useless, it will not change anything. Do everything possible to make sure it does not get worse. But if you are reading this, do not have tinnitus, are in loud situations, and do not have earplugs I do not understand your behaviour. Obv this is for the casual reader, not the OP.
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