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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I have lost WAY more than the full purchase price on many basses.
  2. I am enjoying the fact that JD are far from flavour of the month on BC but the fact that they have a waiting list to get on their waiting list means that they are doing the busines. There is a big bass world out there I am aware that they do guitars as well. I guess they have to earn a living.
  3. I guess the main problem is that creating that "big production" is a feat in itself. It will be orchestrated, it will have musicians who know when not to play or parts which tell them not to. These are disciplines which are not necessarily available in our normal settings. Sadly, musicians or singers who only play in church are often the hardest to work with with regard to getting quick arrangements happening so the process is more laborious to get over the line. Even having a social evening where the musicians play a set of motown covers or whatever is super useful. It is an opportunity to move them into a space where they are listening to the arrangement not just focusing on the words. Obv in worship the words are central, but serving the words with a well crafted accompaniment is everything. Having a crisp but minimal band is way better than an orchestra playing tutti blancmange and all the singers going full blam all the time.
  4. I have way more than I use. I do like them though What a ridiculous state of affairs.
  5. I have no idea, but do you have one? They look like a lot of fun.
  6. Did I mention this? If you bought it and want to shift it, give me a nod.
  7. Have there been any hardware changes? I had understood that nothing had changed other than the software.
  8. If there is a crossover in there,might it be to plug it into something bigger to deal with the LF on a larger stage? I can see the attraction of that.
  9. Play the big letter on 1 and 3. Anything else is showboating
  10. Thanks Rich, I have run into the settings but have never got around to implementing them. I do my best to avoid anything to do with Video and so forget to actually get the Zoom/Video bod to change settings.
  11. That is part of it, but there is also some noise supression/gating which happens in zoom which is really unhelpful.
  12. We run a QuMix. I was stunned at the option of 10 auxes when we got it. I understand now! We could get an iPad into another room and do it on that. This would mean 2 sound engineers. Tricky. Also "mixing for Zoom". Sometimes I wonder why we bother. It does horrible things to audio. Pianos especially. I know there are settings to change. That is my next job.
  13. Pickup a Japanese P and get https://m.facebook.com/Retro169/ to refinish to reliced taste. .
  14. Don't worry. There are only two kinds of music. Good music and music I do not like
  15. There is nothing like a good honest straight grained piece of wood. Very lovely.
  16. At the risk of becoming "that bloke" who writes this on everything, that is a mighty fine looking machine.
  17. Did I mention that that is a fine looking axe?
  18. Owen


    Hubba hubba!!!!!
  19. Without a doubt. Sorry, I was referring to the thread as a whole.
  20. It is just as well that music is not a competition
  21. I sent earlpilanz an awkard scratchplate. I got a lovely one back in the colour I needed.
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