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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Just so that you know, this is it. "If you are gushing so much why do you not still own one?". I can no longer gig at the volume this will easily do. I had lots of fun, but those days are over for me now. But if I did I would still own one because nothing, and I mean nothing, came close. Believe me I tried. It will sit next to a 6x10" and deliver the same, but it is half the size. It is not light, but THE TONE. And that tone is there at low and high volume. Everything I ever put through it sounded great.
  2. All hail the Mother of All Cabs. All hail the cab that makes everything sound great. All hail the cab which makes the sound in your head.
  3. <sigh> A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
  4. <Gratuitous "that is a fine looking axe" post>
  5. I find the best way to get a really tidy job is to pay someone else to do it.
  6. This is from when he was gigging on the Welsh language scene (amongst many other places). it was realeased in 1981. We already knew he was the bomb. Beautiful groove and beautiful solo.
  7. https://amp.theguardian.com/music/2021/apr/06/pino-palladino-pop-greatest-bassist-adele-elton-the-who
  8. The toughest gig. Respect is due.
  9. Do not be playing with our feelings here!
  10. Quite a few of us would like a Jabbass.
  11. I would be discussing it on their public Twitter, Instagram and FB accounts. Like I did when another company lost my bass from Germany. I would also be emailing the CEO of the company. Perhaps you already have. I have been there and it is MIND BENDINGLY frustrating.
  12. Thanks. I really enjoyed that.
  13. Nice cab yadda yadda yadda. What is REALLY right is the colour on that bass! I am trying not to look for a 2nd hand 5 string because I do not know if I could stop myself.
  14. https://www.allaboutjazz.com/pino-palladino-the-craftsman-from-wales?width=412
  15. I miss those days.................
  16. https://bassmagazine.com/.amp/artists/pino-palladino-pathfinder
  17. I did suspect that it was an oblique reference.
  18. At last, a working alternative to TI flats which does not cost an arm and a leg. It is looking lush though.
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