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Everything posted by Owen

  1. They sold loads of records and played live to hundreds of thousands of people. All of us would love to do that. Were they not the hippest thing at the end of their career? Which of us is? Dance music can be extraordinarily repetative and yet people seem to like it. Perhaps people who do not care if it is a J, a P or a Status just want to jump up and down to something familiar which they enjoy. To answer the OP, SQ have always had a strong rhythm section who always laid it down.
  2. Thanks all for the suggestions. It turns out that the Steinberg did NOT like being daisy chained behind an HDMI to lightning adapter and would not power up. It is going back. Eventually I got the Focusrite working by using a combined HDMI + USB lightning adapter. Needless to say, we will be moving to something more robust as soon as we can. The iPad can do some things very well indeed. However.................
  3. I found Brian on Ebay and sent him a message. His Ebay activity seems .......lacking at the moment. Does anyone have any news or any other options? I need a plate cut. Thanks.
  4. So shallow. I would never do that. Well.........
  5. Is it to do with the baked in multiband compression they use? I know that different stations have different settings. Welsh BBC Radio is classified as "Pop" station so has a specific multiband setting across all the output. But it is actually an all things to all people station. On a Sunday morning my clock radio used to wake me to a light classical programme on said station. For years I was convinced that the DJ was spreading a specific reverb over everything until it was explained to me that it was the result of pop multiband compression on classical music.
  6. We are really spoilt for Berg choice on the forum at the moment.
  7. We are really spoilt for Berg choice on the forum at the moment.
  8. We are really spoilt for Berg choice on the forum at the moment.
  9. You make that sound like something bad. Do I need to re-think my wardrobe?
  10. Basschat, how I love you! Obviously I now have more questions! Is a 5v supply a bog standard phone charger or something else? I am happy to use whatever but do not want to roll in to the service with the wrong piece of kit!
  11. I know that bus powering is big and clever but I need an interface with an external PSU. We are running a multi camera system in Church using an app called Switcher Studio. It is easy and intuitive. We can pan and zoom remotely with 4 cameras. The problem is that an HDMI out has to come before the USB out using Apple adapters. The power in on the adpaters is not satisfying the power needs of the Focusrite Scarlet I am using at the moment so I cannot get audio in there to sync. I need an interface which has an external PSU. I did use an old Lexicon but eventually it did what old things do and started making nasty "scratching" noises. All I have found so far is a Steinberg UR-RT2 which would do it but at £279 made me wince a bit. Can anyone point me in the direction of something cheaper? TIA.
  12. If they spent even a tenth of the time on bass that they spent on kick drum then it might be worth the effort. I mean, it could be that my tone is so awesome that nothing needs changing. But we know that is not the case.
  13. It looks like I have too many pictures on the thread already to upload any video. It was going so well. I am happy to email you a vid if you want one.
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