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Everything posted by Owen

  1. The Basschat way, that is not.
  2. For what it is worth, I keep going back to the flobadob originals. Nothing thuds quite like them.
  3. I think I have a set of Pyramid roundwound string U Bass unused which I would be happy to sell at 60% of whatever they cost if you fancy them.
  4. Gutting, the huge Sennheiser Drum Library thang closed on Feb the 15th
  5. A very long time ago I had Boogie D-180 head which needed a stepdown transformer. I asked the guitar shop if there was any way of doing away with it. They said no. So I carried it around. Then I asked my brother who is a qualified Electrical Engineer and he opened it, took a different tap off the mains transformer (apparently!) and I could plug it into the wall quite happily. I am NOT saying you can definitely do that with this, but it would certainly be an option to look at. A proper tech (likely to NOT be your local guitar shop) could change the internal transformer in the amp and it would be all good. At this price you would be a fool not to snap it up if it even remotely matches your amp needs.
  6. Bartokian Pizzicato. http://extendedtechniques.blogspot.com/2012/05/bartok-pizzicato.html?m=1
  7. Owen

    Varitone Switch

    I am almost certain that Kiogon has something like this ready to go in a box.
  8. Up to £390 via 2 bids in the final 6 seconds. Very exciting.
  9. £200 at 2 mins. This is quite tense. It is a long time since I watched an Ebay auction end in real time.
  10. Bass. There is enough to go around for all of us. Two great players. Why would we try and quantify them?
  11. The man has a matching headstock Fender to sell and he does put that fact in the header. What is he like?
  12. Who would do such a thing? Certainly no one on here! Oh no!
  13. Nope, full SKB metal strips on the front. With those comedy screws which cost £HOWMUCH?????!!!!!???
  14. The vagiaries of 2nd hand prices for luthier built basses in the UK are insane. If you know what you are looking at there are some superb bargains to be had.
  15. Owen

    Jazz Bassist Talk

    This looks great, thanks Eric. However, I suspect it is not in the part of the forum that gets most attention. I will link to it in other places.
  16. Owen

    feedback for Deedee

    It was all fabulous, and he packs a lovely parcel!
  17. Phwar! You guys with your thinking ahead!
  18. This has been worrying me quite a bit but I have realised that you cut the control cavity cover BEFORE gluing the back on!
  19. There it is. Right there. That is why we know about them and they do no know about us. Imagine living in a world where not EVERYTHING you do is absolutely stellar. I know that that certainly does not apply in any way shape or form to my career. Phew.
  20. I went to his masterclass in London. Took a day off work. Had a nice lunch. Enjoyed MONSTEROUS tone and feel. Came home. It was a lovely day.
  21. Owen


    Tell me where to sign up!
  22. Owen

    NBD - Overwater

    It depends on the day really
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