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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Owen

    NBD - Overwater

    Very far from ideal lighting, but you get the vibe. The neck through thang is very much of it's time and I cannot deny that aesthetically I would prefer a complete top with no stripes. I did consider having the top routed off and a complete piece of wood placed on it until someone much wiser than me told me to get a grip.
  2. I am also seeing SKB. https://sierracases.com/SKB-1SKB-XRack-2U-Shallow-Roto-Rack-Case.html
  3. I bought a 6 String 36" scale Overwater on here many years ago. I wanted to try F#. It needed an awful lot of love from Overwater but they did it and it was a stupendous instrument. But the 6th string freaked me out so I sold it. However, it sounded SO good that I promised myself when a 5 string one appeared that I would give it a crack. It did appear and it is quite the machine. It is a 5 string neck-through Custom Deluxe Progress Series III. It will be 20 years old in a month from today. The clarity and evenness of response from the very bottom to the very top is really something to behold. I have been through WAY too many basses (but it was a lot of fun) and this is as good as the "best" it not better than all of them - but then subjectivity does come in at this level. There really is not much I have not tried and this is RIGHT up there. If it was built in the US then we would be laying eggs with excitment about them. The craftsmanship is all that and more. The marriage of pickups and preamp is beautifully balanced - it is whisper quiet and the shielding is bomb proof. The B string is so organically part of the instrument that it is adictive. I have has some great B strings (see the start of this paragraph) so am qualified to comment. The voicing is such that I can wallow around at the bottom for veses and verses and it does not sound remotely "too much" or out of place. If you ever get the chance then do not hesitate. What a machine it is.
  4. I actually had two in the basket before I got a grip on myself!
  5. Which they are doing until tomorrow! https://www.italiastraps.com/pages/on-sale-now
  6. I have a weakness for these. https://www.italiastraps.com/ But only when they do their BOGOF deals.
  7. When I was a lad I KNEW that unless you were playing in Weather Report, Lizzy, Floyd or Purple then .......... yeah.......... not really worth the effort. I knew for a fact that Madness were a bunch of clueless chancers who were clearly just there for the Craic. As I have realised in many aspects of my life, I was wrong. What did I know? Not enough, clearly. I have even read Suggs's autobiogrpahy and it was all "yeah, the lads were learning how to play as we went, we made it all up etc etc". That is clealry a narrative and not the truth. What there is, is a set of really well crafted songs with solid playing and good production values. There must be tons of good stuff I have missed over the years.
  8. I feel myself inexorably being drawn into this .
  9. Owen

    Plate amps

    There is the answer, right there.
  10. I did this using a QSC KW112 and a KW118 (or whatever it is) sub. On it's own the KW112 with the deep switch engaged was lush. I was prepared for a tsunami of LF joy with the sub. Active 1Kw 18" driver. It was a massive let down. Yes there was more LF goodness but also an awful lot of LF badness.
  11. Need this I do not. Fancy it I do. Justify it I cannot. Sadness that creates.
  12. There is stuff I have owned but sold that I really liked elements of. Getting captures of those would make this very attractive indeed.
  13. It almost makes me want to try fretless. Again.
  14. I have GAS for a really good setup with some fret levelling and a new nut. I live in a really good setup free zone. My GAS is and shall be unrequited.
  15. I paid, it came. Would you expect anything else from Chris? Nope.
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