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Everything posted by Owen

  1. And the i found this from the one I just posted above
  2. One new set of Newtone strings - .55 to .140 with hex cores. It feels tighter and better. To be honest, I think I am right on the edge of what will work with the lower strings (possibly over the edge) and it is going to need some very careful setting up. But I have started so I will finish, and I do love an adventure! It will now be sent to a proper grown up to route a hole for the Delano pickup. If I had one of those Shaper Origin DIY CNC doobries I would do it myself. But then I would have to send it to a grown up who could actually measure properly to tidy up my mess.
  3. Just laying it down like a boss. On the subject of that, I ran into this on Tiny Desk. Given the reaction (good) of some of the other musicians to things he does he is not a long standing member. However he is totally nailing the whole set, beginning to end.
  4. using a sustain pedal allows you to keep the synth sound sustained, while you can play along with the bass/guitar. H A P P Y D A Y S
  5. Possibly too wide for my 5 stringer. But when it comes back from a respray I will measure up.
  6. That looks very classy indeed. I wish I lived close to someone like Mr Wilkes. The concept of being able to interact face to face with someone who really knows what they are doing is very attractive.
  7. Twice I have needed obscure cables. Twice john has come up trumps.
  8. I often think that if the sound is not "the bomb" without EQ then I am cheating. Strangely no recording engineers I have ever worked with have the same issue.
  9. Dunno, 1. Not enough chatter at the beginning of the video. 2. Very poor on the clickbait graphics for the thumbnail which will appear on YT. 3. The whole thing is put together in a way that we can just focus on the sound. You need to be putting more distractions in. You are going to have go back to the editing board if your desire to be a global influencer will ever be realised. However, as a video showing how cool the Ehrlund is though, it is excellent :) Thanks.
  10. Extra long fingerboards are where it is at.
  11. To all the basses he's loved before, that travelled in and out his door, he dedicates this post..............
  12. All the way. Super massive thumb rest. I have an extended fingerboard on one of my basses and I often find myself using it is as a lovely thumbrest. And, for me, aesthetically better.
  13. Same! And then I would sell it on here.
  14. If abused, yes. But that does not have to happen. I used to bridge a Chevin A3000 into an Eden 4x10. The headroom was utterly addictive.
  15. Everybody loves a Crest CA9. But that Lab Grupen with bring the heft for shure. If it is good enough for Martin FOH then it is good enough for backline
  16. Thanks, it is a great instrument but I have met my match :(
  17. This is going back to Overwater for a new nut and a setup. I am trying again! The reason I was giving up was that it was not setup properly. I live in a setup WASTELAND. I had paid someone to do it locally but it was not a happy bunny. I cannot give up so easily. I dissapoint myself on occasion with my lameness. This is my second try with the bottom F#. The 6th string just throws me off balance. I want to make it happen but reality bites. I am not going to manage it. It is strung with a new set of Newtone strings. F# up to G. If you want to go up to C I will discount the cost of a new C string from Mr Newtone. I have no idea when this was built but it must be on the older side. It is 36" scale and very red. The full instrument pictures look a bit Donald Trump, but do not be fooled. It is proper red. The original preamp has been replaced with an East. No idea when or why, but it does that East thing very nicely thank you. This is a substantial piece of wood and does what substantial pieces of wood do. It sounds substantial. It also weighs quite a bit more than a chambered Super Jazz. Be under no false impression that it is filled with helium. Do I wish I could make it work? Yes. Can I? No. As I said, reality bites. Before anyone asks it would be GREAT for metal. Price includes fully insured shipping in a mature Yamaha HSC. I do not need to sell it. The price is firm. I am not interested in trades, but thanks for thinking about it.
  18. Owen

    Refin MM Sub 5

    Touched by the hand of our very own Andyjr1515. The textured stuff above the pickup came of with acetone and a razor blade. I am merely logging this because I do google searches to see how people do things.
  19. And on that subject, my recently purchased 36" scale Overwater 5 strings is very great indeed. Incredible consistency. In a worryingly long list of basses which have travelled in and out my door, it is right there at the top for that.
  20. The next one. We ALL know that to be a fact.
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