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Everything posted by mybass

  1. Studiospares stuff is pretty good.....this is a good price...seems pretty wide for a bass cab and more for a combo 7nit but at that price a bit of a bargain.
  2. Yes’m, it should normally be a ‘yellow orangy’ speaker colour....it’s a shame but is there any chance of trying it against a correctly loaded MB combo.....you may prefer the sound of what you’ve got!
  3. I practice them as ‘studies’ on electric bass as my DB arco playing is not up to scratch so it’s more an exercise to keep my sight reading going.
  4. This is 1 2 and 3........4 5 6 are in n another book.....
  5. Break Wind and Fire....best I’ve ever seen and some 25years ago before tributes were called tribute bands.
  6. Try KRK KNS 8400....got mine for just under £100 online. They have an inline volume contro; as well... They are good for listening to music and for home recording but I can't evaluate if they would be 'bass heavy' enough for you.
  7. I was advised many years ago by a double bass builder/repairer to use ‘bore oil’ for my maccasar ebony f/b, an oil I still use today. I may use it once or twice a year. I buy Yamaha Bore oil, dab some on a cloth and apply and wipe off any excess. Once on tour I asked the hired German guitar tech to simply wipe clean my bass with a dry cloth. He ignored both me and the guitarist and ‘cleaned’ our guitars every night with the new wonder called Lemon Oil. It saturated the boards, softened the graphite nut on the strat allowing the strings to literally melt into it, leaked over to the bridge s via the strings and this idiot was adamant that it was okay! I have to say that it’s been a good advertising campaign getting players to believe that Lemon oil is ‘the business’!
  8. Can’t say I do Mike, long times ago 🤪 Trademe is NZs equivalent of EBay.
  9. You did right sending it back .... sounds to me like a ‘dud’.
  10. Difficult to tell from your pic where the split is.....does it follow the wood grain direction or where there is an obvious glue joint of wood. I would take the machine off anyway and see if it’s just the small screw ( that holds it in place so it won’t swivel about) that is causing a slight surface crack or if the crack is deeper and emanating from the tuner post.
  11. I forgot about that delayed / anti thump' switch, my Markbass has this, it takes a few seconds before the volume actually kicks in.....More expensive amps maybe?
  12. ....if you don’t already do this.....I don’t know this amp you have but before switching the amp on, turn the amps output volume to zero..
  13. Just a thought....I use ‘micromesh’ after sanding.....found on eBay in packs, starting around 1500 ‘grit’ going up to 12000 (I think). It will both polish up and show off any leftover scratches before your final oil finishing, which can also then be micromeshed before further oiling.
  14. I guess there could be a wooden tuner peg that has worn a bit thinner than the hole it sits through.....possible to extract it and (get someone else to) glue a thin veneer around it....good luck.
  15. If this noise wasn’t heard with the old f/b then the bass may still be settling in with this new one....the tuners may be vibrating in ‘sympathy’ with one of the strings not quite sitting in the nut comfortably .....but if this is a ‘new’ noise then another setup may be needed?
  16. Yes, digital tuners got rid of having to bite down on a steel tuning fork on stage!
  17. I didn't look far enough then on the MU site to realise its a free service....must look it up...
  18. I finally looked at the MU site but I think this scheme is available elsewhere in the market place. It looks like a scheme that can run alongside your normal car insurance but can cover stuff not included in car insurance......but maybe some of these ‘extra’ cover points could be made through your current car insurance anyway? Still not clear completely tome but I guess there is a point to it, apart from making money!
  19. Cheers Phil!
  20. Try this place....I don’t know this instrument shop but it seems closest to you........or they may be able to put you onto someone. https://www.theviolinshop-glasgow.co.uk
  21. Thanks for the positive comments bloke-zero.....
  22. Yes...thanks .....For some reason the Barts were giving a slightly better sound to my ears. I had to do this comparison test for myself to distinguish the sounds off each pup and as the Stella was in situ it was the right time to do it.
  23. Yep, I’ve bought from you a few years ago .
  24. The Stellartone Triple Six Tone pot was purchased from Bass Direct. As 'ToneStyler' state on the instruction sheet..." Drop in replacement for your muddy, unused tone control......Selectively cuts treble while retaining vital mid-range and rich harmonics....Choose classic & modern tones, plus your bass or guitars original tone......100% passive analogue circuitry increases output and clarity, no batteries-zero noise!" I had often wondered what the 'Stellartone' single potentiometer sounded like so I've loaded one into a new bass build with a single 'P' pickup but 'reversed. The pot is simple to wire into any existing control cavity but is deeper than a normal single tone pot. As it happened I had an old piece of swamp ash in store, (a bit of a throw away piece in the old days because it has a couple of open knots in it, nowadays much sort after ?(😅). I decided to try a 33" scale fretted build with a single pup and three piece maple neck and maccassar ebony fingerboard....D'Addario nickel bass strings 100-45s. I've added two mP3s...one with a Bartolini 'P' pup and one with a Nordstrand Big Blade 'P' pup. I prefered the Bartolini, it seems to be a bit 'clearer' when the Stellartone is turned through its 6 positions. Maybe speakers or headphones will help as I turn the control from the first posiion through to the 6th position and then quickly back....you may hear the 'clicks' as I turn the pot to each position. These were recorded through a MXR bass preamp into Logic pro X. Lastly...I'm just hoping these download okay!! Bass Stellartone Triple 6 Bartolini.mp3 Bass Stellartone Triple 6 NORDSTRAND .mp3
  25. Omeg is/was a UK firm where I once sourced pots from......Sussex way I think.
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