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Everything posted by mybass

  1. I’ve looked at that, a bit confusing with comments online elsewhere saying certain (later?) models can’t be altered like that, only ram upgrade...
  2. I wondered if anyone here knows of a source for Imacs that are being sold off from office closures? I'm looking for a 27" 2019 fusion drive (for music software application). I've viewed a lot of online re-sellers. Still pretty expensive agains John Lewis and Currys who have new 2019 ones only a bit above asking prices from re-sellers....any clues ?
  3. Jaw line meets up around the ear area of bone, pressure happening to the aural nerves, perhaps exacerbated by a misaligned skeletal back. Some people grind their teeth with extreme pressure to the jaw/ ear area. My father in law trained in bombers in the war and in later life had tinnitus. He didn’t go to rock concerts!
  4. SOLD Now £30 An SKB 4 unit approx 21inch/53cm deep rack case. All in good order. Hasn't been used for a while. It used to store two power amps that were sold a while back and I've just found this case under (all) the other stuff we musos collect in the garage! I've almost succeeded in removing my stencilled name off so 'yours' can go over it. Size and weight is around 5kg unpacked / 53cm deep / 56 wide / 23cm high. Looking at 'Parcel2Go' as a guide, postage appears to be about £6-10 (Hermes) without or with insurance but you could obviously collect or arrange your own courier as funnily enough, I'm currently at home a lot.
  5. Don’t forget Bartolini and Delano
  6. Terrific dealing with Alan...bass on an as near as new MXR M81....posted and delivered within 24 hours....top man!
  7. £525 not £635...couldn't change that part of the post. This is the 2x10” Richard Bona Ninja combo, it has a fitted Roqsolid cover that cost around £50 to get. I have not used this unit as much as I wanted, maybe 4/5 times as the type of gig I was expecting didn’t really materialise enough. It’s a great sounding lightweight and powerful combo and this version of the MarkBass 500 watt 8 ohm cabinet matches very well. A second 8 ohm cab can be linked up to get the full potential of the amp, I’ve hooked up a MB 1x12 cab and it is a really good bass sound. In excellent condition and needing a home. I am based NE Hampshire, I have the original MB box for it for courier.
  8. I bought a Warwickin 1989/90...pretty sure I was informed it had a wax finish. Warwick have their tins of wax, I think it has carnauba in it and is non silicon. https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/Warwick-Surface-Finisher-Beeswax-/art-ACC0000334-000?campaign=GShopping/GB&ProgramUUID=5G_AqJarZwoAAAFl0FZyjI8V&gclid=CjwKCAjwzIH7BRAbEiwAoDxxTmLU9v1AroD6gK8S8ebXDyb7x3nPDwnw3JyQB7c407U4mnKjMPcTnhoCMSwQAvD_BwE
  9. Yep, it’s me Jim and thank you for the kind words.....hope you are well...
  10. One from my workshop that I ve put out for sale....33" scale fretless, small fast 3 piece neck. A tad under 38mm nut width. I made it as a 'new' variation to try a small bodied bass and slim neck. Works a treat and sounds great, as heard at a bass bash.
  11. Just out of interest....are those dots on the fingerboard placed ‘on’ the notes or in between, as on a fretted bass’s dots?
  12. Used for just the one tour. Excellent results on large stages with large PA systems according to the PA engineer. The crew bundled it away every night so the chassis type lettering got a little damaged...I've left the 'home made' directions on! Instruction manual is with it. Price includes UK postage.
  13. Sorry Bamboscha....I'm late too but didn't arrive back into the UK until after your post date. You will find quite a difference between a single 15 traveller and this 122 (2x12") cabinet. I'm using a Little Mark Marcus 500 watt amp with this 122, it has a different sounding EQ than the Little Mark amps that I like. I may get a 800 watt amp to use with the 122 as it the cab handles 800 watts, mine is an 8ohm cab so the 800 watt amp will probably push around 500w into it at peak....( I guesstimate here!) I've had the big size and traveller 15" cabs. The big one was overpowering but would be great on larger stages/festivals. I would say the Traveller 15" would struggle 'against' the 122. I think you will get as decent lows from the 122 and better middle to top end response. We all want these amps and cabs set up in a shop to try them so its a shame you cant hear them on trial. Sorry you are so far away as you could have A/B'd mine. cheers
  14. I’ve sold a small Fender guitar combo to Davy who waited three months while I was ‘pandemically’ caught overseas in NZ’s lockdown. All a very smooth transaction when we we finally sorted postage, cheers Davy.
  15. Don’t buy a cheap one! Get a tungsten carbide tip TCT.
  16. Many years ago I had a cabinet maker build me a 2x12 cab, fitted with ATC speakers, also a 1x15 ATC..it was a loud rig and I never used the 15 cab much. The 2x12 was my all playing cab and the memory of it triggered me getting a MarkBass 2x12 8ohm cab that I use almost always now. Slightly awkward to carry from one end but manageable and has sounded very good on most good sounding stage gigs.
  17. Non lined fretless is my bag too.
  18. As seen on the Notreble site this week, a tidy looking bass indeed. https://www.notreble.com/buzz/2020/07/06/bass-of-the-week-tangente-instruments-domino-fretless/
  19. I’m not so sure a ‘varnish’ as used for furniture was the right choice. The Danish oil I mentioned previously would have been easier. Hope you can sort it.
  20. Danish oil works for me on the rear neck wood. Pour a little oil onto a clean rag cloth to apply then wipe excess off with another rag. Applying oil on bare wood may raise the grain a little on first coating but once it’s dried off a bit, you can ‘smooth’ that back using finest wire wool and apply a little oil again. If you use wax I think carnauba is the one used for guitar finish work.
  21. Yes Davy but.........I’m not at home....kinda stuck at the moment in New Zealand due to the usual worldwide pandemic reasons cancelling flights and movement..however, I should be home this year sometime ☹️ I ‘usually’ live in NE Hampshire. Whereabouts are you based? It isn’t going anywhere fast yet! Stay safe Pete
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