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Everything posted by mybass

  1. Asking £35 (not £42 ….can’t seem to change that particular part of script?) I've got a set of these in that 'spares' box and apart from a few very minor surface marking, they look virtually unused, maybe I tried them on a new bass but preferred the usual black ones that I often use . Basically as new...All the parts and chrome securing screws are present but not the original box. The link below should show the specs/sizes, I think it shows that they weight around 60g per tuner. I've used this Gotoh tuner model on a lot of new made basses and found them to be excellent and they have a smooth turn action. Collection always good but can be posted. https://g-gotoh.com/images/pdf/GB707-Dim.pdf
  2. I had one back in 2000/2001 sometime, couldn’t find any serial numbers on it….but they are good basses.
  3. A most excellent dealing with Laurence for a Dunlop Super Potentiometer….plenty of messages and very promptly posted, in time to install and use on a gig two days later, top man.
  4. My original fretless was a conversion P bas, carried out by a double bass repairer and the nut slot depth was almost imperceptible above the fingerboard, this made for a more fretless (Mwah!) sound although it can be overcome by picking strings nearer the bridge area. Otherwise have the nut slots clearing the f’board and whenever a more ‘mwah’ (🤔) sound is required, pluck the strings further along the neck.
  5. I’m thinking you should try and find a dedicated (DB/cello etc) shop and call in. There are different bow weights and different horse hair even (black and white) you will need the rosin as well, applied to the bow hair for contact ‘grip’ on strings. I did try buying direct from China once, it was a German/underhand grip style and was delivered in a heavy plastic plumbing type tube…..but the bow was already bent! Much frustration, emails and subsequent refund but only after I had, under instruction, sawn off the frog/handle of the bow and returned it to China (paid for). Visiting a shop will allow you to try a French against a German style if you haven’t already.
  6. I’m thinking of those boomy makeshift stages that like to ‘resonate with the cabs and drums 🥴
  7. ...with two ports on the underside of the cab, that'l make a few stages interesting to play on!
  8. Wasn’t this a bit of a jam anyway…..yes the bass walks up around that time and the guitar chord has dominated the sound with that 7th chord…
  9. Then again…..if anyone was interested in the two basses I’m currently selling here, a fretless custom 33” scale and an Ibanez, the theory of ‘try before buy’ could be accommodated!
  10. It’s a gigging daytime for me, might make it for an hour but I’ve also got to contend with the massive M25/A3 interchange roadworks in process…..but have a great day everyone.
  11. Many of us ‘maturer’ bass players would put a piece of an icecream flat stick across the top underside of neck slot to get around the problem you’ve described. These days I route neck slots on a slight angle, trying to copy the through neck design much like an old Aria bass I have, where the neck is angled to the body wings. I’ve also wondered if placing that piece of flat stick under the top end of the neck slot left a gap where there was no contact for some of the neck underside to body neck slot and would that have a possible effect, in which case I concluded it’s best to have all contact with neck to body….in which case there are dedicated neck shims on EBay……as seen in the link below from Stewmac’s Ebay page. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/193920362130?hash=item2d268de692:g:lWwAAOSwLf9gOOmP&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0PytYeEOqWw52Nw9P0ZATbovGdcO0IZHwiyv17ICStHtBTmgoyIJVgYI1kpqijuKFreZEFpRaJesPnrkx7%2Bg7OvVrrCuM6z83lgYLtiSPUI6UnCnp6wJ79WZf19chWs29ZlleZkHMdfIsJMmR%2Ba1xO4nXzH1MOlLBdiP0k4Hgov434woZS5%2Fa%2Fe6gFfgKXKSKDsZDE2nsTdICd%2FwtBCmWhaaFzeX6pFceNtBbkV3Gaszbr%2FBCRjo1ba%2BdyeriGxs5%2BdihrncvrKAVyfxa1%2FUY7k%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR57fvPTzYg
  12. In my experience I found Parcel2Go were only a go between for customer to courier company and when things went wrong, I was directed back to the courier company. You were lucky you got through to P2go!
  13. Ah, my first ever bass model I owned in New Zealand.
  14. This CD is available in the U.K. via https://propermusic.com/products/visitor2035-visitor2035?_pos=1&_psq=visitor&_ss=e&_v=1.0 Its the 1970's latter end of....I'm playing bass, answering ads in Melody Maker and making slow progress. An advert draws my attention and I eventually have a jam with the band down in deepest Sussex outside of Horsham. Visitor 2035 go on to do a series of gigs at universities and some festivals. Whats most important is that we start rehearsals with some pretty hefty jamming which has served me well. We respond to a series of adverts from a German record company who were advertising on train platform poster boards! We sign on the dotted lines and record an album down at Pebble Beach studios in Worthing. The record company have taken on a few UK bands, I think 'A Flock Of Seagulls' was one. They falter on our release date for 9 months and slowly leave us behind. Its the dawn of punk and our Weather Report driven Chick Corea meets Brand X music is slowly disappearing from the mainstream. Abandoned, we go our separate ways, keeping in touch now and then and for a couple of fun gigs. 2022....we get a call from Hannover based M.I.G. Music.de ...we have an old fan working there and he wants to re-release the album, now CD. Why not hah! Its a fusion of rock jazz type driven instrumental music of which many of us were partial too at the time. Proper Music UK sell it as do M.I.G. We have world release, wow, didnt get that before... NOW with a recent review from R&R latest magazine edition….and bass gets mentioned first! I hope this short sound clip and picture link works: VISITOR 2035 CD mix and photos.m4v
  15. Nonsense pricing….
  16. Twin pack of Da'addrios off Dave the MungoBass.....great dealing with Dave, strings sent all on time and well packed....cheers Dave.
  17. Jansen…big name in NZ from the 1960’s……my start up playing days in Wellington NZ had me getting a Jansen tube bass amp. My drummer/cabinetmaker built two robust 4x12 cabs for me. I was probably loud 😄 The amp was great except, the tubes hung upside down in the amp’s open back enclosure and would rattle loose, (due to my volume 😜) Great idea of mine, turn the amp upside down so the tubes would be sitting upright which was sort of a bad idea because the top mounted strap handle became a pivot for the amp to ‘self turn’ on and there would be several looks of horror and calls to me as the amp teetered on the edge of falling off the bass stack……a learning curve eh…..never lost the amp of the stack though.
  18. Thank you thank you…
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