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Everything posted by Ceebass

  1. I made the same decision when I got mine! After one gig, I decided I wanted my other octave back though. One is never enough.
  2. Ceebass

    Bass synth?

    Not necessarily... It is quite common for guys doing 'the big time' pop gigs to double, but I don't think that should stop anyone else from doing it! Letting your bass hang on it's strap while you press keys is no more or less complicated than stomping pedals while playing, in my book at least... Anyway, now that you've been converted to the Church of Dave Smith you'll just have to do it! I've been using MainStage for all my live synth bass needs- spend a few hours playing with the stock synth engines and you can get some great timbres.
  3. Ceebass

    Bass synth?

    Have a look at this interview with Alex Al- he plays Moog and electric at the same time on some of the songs on This Is It😮 https://www.bassplayer.com/artists/men-in-the-mirror-the-bassists-of-michael-jackson-how-alex-al-and-his-predecessors-pumped-up-the-king-of-pop Loads of pop guys are doing this these days!
  4. I had this model from Bass Direct for a very short time (couldn't afford it & had to give it back)- just a great instrument. Bit me baaaaaad with the Maryszczk GAS!
  5. I'll have a look...
  6. I was wondering if any of you clever mod-ers out there might be able to help me with something (before I start unscrewing things ). My T Rex Bass Juice has got a boost switch, which the manual helpfully says 'switches between moderate and high-gain'. Might it be possible to control with amount of gain the boost adds (either a trim switch or, even better, adding a dedicated boost control)? I'm no dirt connoisseur, but I like this pedal a lot: I just thought it would be cool to have the extra flexibility. Thanks!
  7. Talking to my class of GCSE music students about favourite artists/albums the other day, the general consensus was that they didn't really have them! They seemed to have a list of songs they liked (that autoplay/spotify had helped them stumble across? I'm making assumptions), but no really affinity for/allegiance to any particular albums, artists or to some extent, genres. Interesting times.
  8. Do you think a violin or a ukulele case might do the job? I'm sure I've seen a swanky Mono uke bag around somewhere...
  9. Sorry, didn't mean it come across that way dude! Likewise, was just carrying on with that line of discussion (should have chosen a different quote )
  10. Everyone to their own I guess, but I thought the octaver was killer! Aside from the tracking, which was spot on, I loved it's growly timbre. I think it might be the only time I've seen an audience specifically react to me using an effect pedal (in a good way, I think). On an slightly unrelated note, I always used a solo'd sub octave before my SS (when I still had it), which seemed to really make it sing.
  11. I attempted to use one once, they definitely don't fit!
  12. That's the one I've gone for!
  13. Just ordered a set from the same site... Waiting game START
  14. I've used mine for this too. They go for cheap 2nd hand!
  15. This is super useful- thanks @EBS_freak. Given your oracle-like knowledge, I might give them a go! Just out of interest (& slightly off topic), what is the difference between the armatures for hearing aids and musical applications?
  16. Hmmmm I'm tempted too. I think you can only get them from America, so I wonder if returns might be problematic? I just can't fathom how you can get 5 drivers for this price- do they know something I don't?
  17. Has anyone come across these before? https://www.amazon.com/Earbuds-KZ-Headphones-Drivers-Microphone/dp/B07BQ2CL5W/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_267_t_0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=5HVGQDHRN9MCA53G5XDE Some guys on an American gospel forum I'm in were raving about them- they seem too good to true...
  18. Fair enough- I didn't know!
  19. There is a guy on FaceBook: Jed's Peds who might be worth trying. He sells pedal kits with (I think) various customisable options.
  20. Same- I guess it might be true that a USB cable isn't as sturdy as a 35ml jack, but I've never had any problems using a laptop on stage. My Mac just lives on a laptop stand: I cable tie the USB/PSU cables to that too. You can get a MIDI controller on the cheap, which can potentially give much more real-time functionality than a pedal. Also, MainStage is £30!
  21. I haven't come across it for showing keys, but have played with gospel guys who use it to indicate chord changes (using the 'numbers' system).
  22. You're killing that second groove (and the others!). So clean & funky!
  23. UniDays do a 10% discount on all apple products: https://www.myunidays.com/GB/en-GB I would make sure that the Mac/laptop you go for has enough processing power & memory. I'm no expert, but if your lad wants to use it for production, it's gonna need to be a pretty powerful machine to support lots of plugins/effects.
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