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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. I use imageshack. I tend to be on Basschat on my iPad or iPhone - there’s an app called “Phupp” which uploads and catalogs your photos to Imageshack, allowing you to copy the relevant links all from within the app.
  2. @BigRedX, for some reason you come to mind...?
  3. Which “super cabs” are you referring to? Most of the “super cabs” I know of are designed to approach PA style speakers in terms of components and performance.
  4. CameronJ


    Does the swear filter change the word farting? Edit: Ah. Apparently not.
  5. This is what it boils down to. Ultimately the only way to know for sure is to try the pedals out in person with your own bass/amp etc. Hopefully the mojojojo works out!
  6. I like it. Looks to be a cheaper alternative to the Taylor mini?
  7. Didn’t mean to link to page 38 of that thread...
  8. I still don’t own one but this thread may be of some use: https://www.talkbass.com/threads/new-sire-p-basses.1264171/page-38 As well as this video:
  9. @devinebass good to see you over here on the dark side 😁 On a serious note though - there literally isn’t a better, more comprehensive online bass tuition resource anywhere. It just makes sense!
  10. Pretty sure I saw a Greenboy 112 for sale on one of the Facebook bass marketplace groups yesterday. Seemed to have zero interest at the time, probably because the vast majority of players who aren’t in the Basschat/Talkbass sphere simply haven’t heard of them.
  11. Excellent use of “mellifluous” - you just don’t get that on Guitarchat!
  12. Ooh yes. The maple board flows into the gold guard very nicely!
  13. Oh god. That’s a serious rabbit hole. Not sure I’d be going for the Roland system but I guess it would make it the ultimate synth bass...🤔 food for thought. Still, I reckon I’ll be ordering a standard “analogue” Wingbass and can retrofit the GK at a later date like you did, if my desires lean in that direction...
  14. I spoke to Andy and asked if he could install and Aguilar Octamizer instead of the POG 😅 to my surprise he said yes! Still, I’m willing to be convinced by the nano POG...had a lacklustre experience with the micro POG a couple of years ago which has left me with a case of “once bitten, twice shy” syndrome.
  15. Ah, the joys of digital tracking! Have you made any clips of the sub octave sound soloed?
  16. Somewhat off topic but I nearly had GAS related cardiac arrest when I first saw his Custom Shop (the heavily relic’d Olympic white revealing candy apple red underneath one). That and the Flea Sig are sitting unchallenged as just about the only Fenders I’ve ever really Gassed for.
  17. Oh and you can filter by subject matter and difficulty level too. Those screenshots really didn’t format the way I had anticipated 😫
  18. It’s worth noting for those who have signed up for a year’s membership in the past and haven’t renewed, it’s possible to get lifetime membership at a very good rate (I can’t remember how much exactly but I remember it being less than the cost of 2 years membership) you have to email the SBL directly though as they don’t advertise the deal publicly. For those pondering whether the membership content will be useful to you, I’ve taken some screenshots of the course and seminar menus so you can have an “inside peek” And no, I don’t work for SBL 😂 Apologies for the massive image count!
  19. Just bought a Creation Audio Grizzly pedal from Dan. I can only echo the comments made above - a smooth process from start to finish. The pedal is pristine! Deal with confidence.
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