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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. Just bought a Creation Audio Grizzly pedal from Dan. I can only echo the comments made above - a smooth process from start to finish. The pedal is pristine! Deal with confidence.
  2. Couldn’t agree more. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences both buying and selling on here. The cumulative value of the gear that I’ve bought and sold via BC is well in the 4-figure zone. Sure, I know a couple of folk who’ve had less than smooth experiences but such cases are definitely the exception, not the rule. So much love for this community! Big thanks to @ped and the team for keeping it up and running!
  3. You could do with looking at something like a TKS 1126 which will handle a ton of watts and truly be a one cab solution, similar to some of the Barefaced designs but MUCH better looking cabs, if you care about that sort of thing. Another one to look out for, although rarely seen in the UK, is a Baer ML112. There are others but those two are the first which come to my mind.
  4. Wow. Wasn’t expecting this when I clicked the thread title! Really nice, and a bargain to boot!
  5. Wow, that bass is no joke. Dwarfs him on stage!
  6. If you’re anywhere near London I believe @thebassgallery stock DB cabs?
  7. Goodness. Some serious giveaways on here at the moment! This surely ain’t gonna stick around long...
  8. Ah. I missed the short scale part - I’m out! Thanks for the heads up though, @lemmywinks
  9. Just gonna leave this here: http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Cort_B4_OPN_FL.html
  10. CameronJ


    Plus you can play a game of gin rummy/dominoes/bridge atop the 102. Keep the band amused in the break between sets!
  11. I’m in the same boat right now, getting my Phil Jones Double Four repaired (the input gain knob doesn’t work) and having to deal directly with the distributor. To be fair I can see how having to go through Bass Direct themselves as a middle man would actually slow the whole thing down so in a way I’m actually grateful for being able to get it sorted at source. Still, would be nice if I was offered the option of returning it to BD, them replacing my unit themselves and chasing up the issue with the distributor on their end...
  12. Currently a fretless Squier Precision and fretless 5 string Sire V7 (Jazz) in the classifieds here...
  13. Incredibly surprised this hasn’t gone yet!
  14. You can upload pictures directly to the website here
  15. If you want serious protection then I’m sure many people will suggest the Mono dual case, though they aren’t cheap. The Gator ProGo Dual case is in the same league protection-wise, however I discovered that the Gator is significantly deeper than the Mono, making it more awkward to carry/wear transport. I think Fusion May do a double bag as well but I haven’t seen one in the flesh so couldn’t comment. If you want something with more protection than a typical gigbag but less protection than the aforementioned cases, MTD make a dual case which in my opinion is just excellent. It’s really nicely padded with leather handles & details and is actually quite comfortable to wear due to the strap attachment points - I find this particularly beneficial as I’m very tall so the headstock of the bass doesn’t stick up over my head! The most practical “day to day use” double bag I’ve come across, particularly if you’re walking around a lot or using public transport. Bass Direct sell all but the Fusions so if you’re anywhere near them it would be worth checking em out to compare for yourself.
  16. Are fret markers a definite dealbreaker? Ruling out fretlesses with lines/markers is shutting out a lot of quality basses...
  17. Thankfully said flatus is confined to the southerly, unmic’d region. You definitely did the right thing holding out for the 5!
  18. I’ve had flatulence for an Ibby Portamento 5er on & off for the past couple of years! It’ll have to wait til post-tour though methinks. And post-Wingbass too...
  19. I’ll place my vote with the Source Audio Programmable EQ. Incredibly versatile and as the title suggests, it’s programmable, so you can easily save tweaked EQ curves for multiple basses and guitars. They can be had reasonably cheaply on the used market too.
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