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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. A lovely collection, plenty of bases covered. No pun intended. Intrigued by the Schecter CV...how “precisiony” can you get it to sound?
  2. Very very nice - loving what they’ve done with that bottom horn!
  3. You really aren’t helping my Sire P7 GAS!
  4. Yamaha BB1025X. The tone made me grin from ear to ear every time.
  5. @Zampa, what’s your budget? I was about to recommend a Phil Jones Double Four but it seems that may be over budget at around £300 used. If you can pick up a used Line 6 Studio 110 it may be exactly what you’re looking for and for not all that much money either. 4 band EQ, DI out, some basic amp modelling, one knob compressor, headphone output. I’ve had one for years and it’s served me very well.
  6. Seems the answer to the thread title is, “anything but an SM58”
  7. £2005 for me. Edit: actually that should be euros, so more like £1775
  8. Fantastic amps. In fact, this may have been mine once upon a time! GLWTS.
  9. It’s a big +1 from me. Lovely clear tone and Hypercardiod pattern so rejects stage bleed well. Requires slightly more accuracy from the performer in terms of staying on axis but IMO it’s well worth it. Great mics.
  10. A handsome looking rig! And I agree - these logos are much better than the geetar equivalent.
  11. They are indeed fantastic! Good price too.
  12. I recorded my clips a few days ago but I’m having some technical difficulties with my TC wiretap! With any luck I’ll be able to sort it out soon...
  13. Good god. I’m all for making a profit but this seems to be a prime example of a company taking people for fools. And the sad truth is, a lot of folk seem to be exactly that. Darkglass have clearly done their homework and taken a leaf out of Aguilar’s book
  14. What they seem to have done, in the UK at least, is created a market in which the only Aguilar gear people are prepared to buy is used Tried their new Grape Phaser at the LBGS and as soon as I saw the price (over £200 for a basic 2-knob pedal that sounded “fine”) I had to make my excuses and abandon ship. I can’t see them selling any units over here.
  15. Bargain price for an excellent fretless.
  16. @dannybuoy read my mind. This ^ was exactly what I meant by this: Methinks the rep doth protest too much...
  17. FWIW I’d say the market value of BSWs is more in the region of £50-£60. I bought and sold mine for £60 each way with little struggle. There are several great sounds within it. I wouldn’t recommend it for someone primarily looking for a basic filter sound though as that’s almost definitely the least exciting setting on the pedal!
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