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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. +1 The Ventris is likely to be a strong competitor. It’ll also take up less space on your board, if you care about that sort of thing.
  2. The cheapest Octamizer I think I’ve ever seen! Someone’s getting a massive bargain - these are phenomenal octavers.
  3. Saw an advert for Jericho Guitars on Facebook the other day and I must say I was very attracted for all the reasons mentioned by @jackers. Always wished Fender made an aerodyne 5er!
  4. I think of it as a much more practical alternative to the Tecamp/Eich BassBoard. Potentially a great option for those who run IEMs. Obviously the proof of the pudding will be in the using but on paper I actually think it looks pretty good.
  5. Yep, these heads are pretty incredible. When you’ve experienced how tiny they are you won’t want to use any other head! Fits in the front pocket of pretty much any gig bag or case, even crappy bags with small front pockets.
  6. These are excellent. Passive operation is a gift!
  7. Yes, Safari on iPad and iPhone. The site now feels like it’s switching intermittently between being absolutely fine and very slow again. It’s better than it was though - I’d say it’s fine 70% of the time now. I can live with that!
  8. I’m firmly in the “it’s mostly/all the bass itself” camp. Tone rolled off a bit.
  9. The site has been almost unbearably slow for me for the past week or so too. I tend to browse on my iPad and have used both WiFi and 4G with no difference in performance. Same on iPhone (again, WiFi and 4G) but it seems to be fine on my Windows 10 laptop running Firefox. Definitely isn’t my internet connection as every other site loads fine? often when I click a link to get to a section on BC the header will load almost immediately but the content will then take a long while to catch up.
  10. It’s like a slightly subtler/classier looking Warwick Alien! Very nice.
  11. I might have to do a few clips of my Octamizer and/or T16 and/or Meatbox if nobody beats me to it. Could have some time tomorrow - watch this space!
  12. Ah, yes. Saw these on the Yamaha Website a few days ago and thought they looked rather nice. I say go for it, @dood! Now the question is, how many inches?
  13. I feel like this bass (or one very similar to it) has been for sale in the classifieds here at some point...?
  14. Massive +1 to this. Avoid like the plague.
  15. Is it supposed to be pronounced in a Spanish manner?
  16. Based on what you’re looking for you won’t be disappointed. I use a set on my Sandberg P bass and absolutely love them. I was worried I wouldn’t like the tension but as soon as the strings were on the bass and I had it in my hands all worries were out the window.
  17. I suspect that might work out pretty well!
  18. Wow. Didn’t realise they made these. I had a Battering Ram 2.6 (effectively the same pedal, minus EQ) and had it not been for it’s awkward size and shape I may well have kept it. Very cool pedal and bucket loads of bottom end in the overdrive I found. In fact, it held more low end than any other overdrive I’ve owned, before or since
  19. For what it’s worth (and I think it does hold worth) most PA speakers have 2 or 3 sturdy and well placed handles which, coupled with the shape of the speaker itself can make even a heavier PA speaker easier to carry over distance and through doorways etc. than a traditional “box” bass cab which weighs less but whose shape and handle placement make for an awkward load. Weight, while important, is not the only factor to consider here.
  20. I’m pretty sure it’s gone. Sold to @pburrows?
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